my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ?

my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ?

    my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ?

    my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ?...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ?...

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    • my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ?

      my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ? General Dog Discussions
      my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ?

      my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ?

      my dog is 8years old and is peeing all over the house all day is thAT NORNMAL AT THAT AGE ? General Dog Discussions
    • No, not normal for a healthy dog. Take your pooch to the vet and have them check for a UTI, bladder infection, or even kidney problems.... those are the best case scenarios. If your dog isn't spayed/neutered you might have a bigger problem on your hands. Either way, to the vet you go!

    • It's not normal at any age. First visit your vet to rule out a medical problem (urinary tract infections can cause inappropriate urination), and secondly seek the advice of a behaviorist if it's NOT medical.

    • no it is not normal, i agree with all others go to the vet, i do wonder though? what changes have you had lately in his life?moved, lost a mate, someone left home? sometimes marking to excess can be triggered by emotional upsets too. but i do suspect uti or bladder issues. a blood screen should show any unusual occurences re hormones or illness.

    • No, it is not normal. Especially if they've had no problems in the house after being housebroken. Make an app. with you vet. They will want to do bloodwork and a urinalysis to rule out bladder infection,kidney or liver disease,etc. It could also be that your dog could becoming incontinent. The only way you'll know for sure is after talking to your vet and having the tests done. Good luck.

    • This is definitely not normal.I wanted to ask you a few questions is it like this from the beginning ? I mean since it was young ?did you give toilet training to your dog?It might have an urinary tract infection and this may be causing irritation of the bladder and making the dog to pee more often.So it would be better to contact a vet doctor.If you haven't trained your dog then you can check the link below where you can find some really helpful dog training tips