My dog is drooling all of the sudden. She eats very little.She is about 8years old and was a stray when i got?

and is a deer cheuaua. What can I do at home.Thank You

    My dog is drooling all of the sudden. She eats very little.She is about 8years old and was a stray when i got?

    and is a deer cheuaua. What can I do at home.Thank You...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is drooling all of the sudden. She eats very little.She is about 8years old and was a stray when i got?...

    • My dog is drooling all of the sudden. She eats very little.She is about 8years old and was a stray when i got?

      My dog is drooling all of the sudden. She eats very little.She is about 8years old and was a stray when i got? General Dog Discussions
      and is a deer cheuaua. What can I do at home.Thank You

      My dog is drooling all of the sudden. She eats very little.She is about 8years old and was a stray when i got?

      My dog is drooling all of the sudden. She eats very little.She is about 8years old and was a stray when i got? General Dog Discussions
    • If she will let you, and not panic and try to bite, check inside her mouth. Sometimes a bit of food, a bone or a piece of something gets caught at the roof of the mouth or between the teeth, causing a dog to drool a great deal.If she won't let you very gently try to feel for a stuck object or piece of food, you will have to ask your vet to have a look.

    • Drooling is not good, recommend you take it to a Vet ASAP, especially if there is unusual behavior going along with this. nothing really you can do at home for that one. chihuauas are pron to seizures in their later years. Be careful, I would take it first thing in the morning to avoid paying emergency vet fees.

    • Check out her teeth. If dogs, or cats have teeth decaying, they eat little to nothing, because it hurts. They will have very bad breath, and drool excessively. Another possibly is that something is lodged in her throat. If they know food can't be taken in they won't bother. I had a cat that had a tiny piece of a branch across her throat, and couldn't eat.Bring her to a vet there could be something even more serious going on! Poor thing :,(