dogs acting very strange, dont know what to do?

so i woke up at 4:30 with my dog jumping over my face. He wnt stop panting or stay still, and he keeps trying to jump on me. I tryed giving him water(but he only drank a little) and letting go outside but he dosnt stop and hes driving me crazy!! and i…

    dogs acting very strange, dont know what to do?

    so i woke up at 4:30 with my dog jumping over my face. He wnt stop panting or stay still, and he keeps trying to jump on me. I tryed giving him water(but he only drank a little) and letting go outside but he dosnt stop and hes driving me crazy!! and i…...
    General Dog Discussions : dogs acting very strange, dont know what to do?...

    • dogs acting very strange, dont know what to do?

      dogs acting very strange, dont know what to do? General Dog Discussions
      so i woke up at 4:30 with my dog jumping over my face. He wnt stop panting or stay still, and he keeps trying to jump on me. I tryed giving him water(but he only drank a little) and letting go outside but he dosnt stop and hes driving me crazy!! and i dnt know how to help him. (hes a 9year old jack russle terrier)

      dogs acting very strange, dont know what to do?

      dogs acting very strange, dont know what to do? General Dog Discussions
    • My Rottweiler did that a couple of times when the battery on the carbon monoxide detector went out and it periodically made a chirpping noise. Took me forever to figure it out and she drove me insane until I did. Some thing is bothering your dog that may not even be obvious to you. Just keep investigating until you figure it out or take her to the vet. At least he can give you something to calm her down if not solve the problem for you.

    • Passed this question up 3 times but thought...maybe it's for real. Panting and pacing and of course jumping on you that is not normal would indicate some sort of distress. Is it storming there? Is someone prowling outside your house? I am assuming that you have had him the entire 9 years? If so then you would know if his behavior is not normal. If this is truly strange for him then you should take it seriously and inspect any causes.

    • Do some serious investigating- dogs do not act like this (unless it's normal of your dog) unless they are seriously distressed. Try and get his attention and see if he leads you anywhere if you put a leash on him and walk with him. Their could very well be something seriously wrong, dogs are very smart animals, check all of your rooms in you house, smoke detectors, co2 detectors, outlets, put on lights outside (porch light will do) so if someone is prowling around they will leave, make noise if you see a person outside. Call 911 if you suspect something too serious. Hope all is wellP.s- check your dog for injury as well.