I have a 9year old yorkie. I love her. She is my first dog ever.About 4 months ago she was diagnosed with?

Cushings disease. We started treatment, things are going well. Then at her check up she was now diagnosed with diabetes. I want the best quality of life for her. My question is am i wrong for wanting her to be as happy as possible and let her live her…

    I have a 9year old yorkie. I love her. She is my first dog ever.About 4 months ago she was diagnosed with?

    Cushings disease. We started treatment, things are going well. Then at her check up she was now diagnosed with diabetes. I want the best quality of life for her. My question is am i wrong for wanting her to be as happy as possible and let her live her…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a 9year old yorkie. I love her. She is my first dog ever.About 4 months ago she was diagnosed with?...

    • I have a 9year old yorkie. I love her. She is my first dog ever.About 4 months ago she was diagnosed with?

      I have a 9year old yorkie. I love her. She is my first dog ever.About 4 months ago she was diagnosed with? General Dog Discussions
      Cushings disease. We started treatment, things are going well. Then at her check up she was now diagnosed with diabetes. I want the best quality of life for her. My question is am i wrong for wanting her to be as happy as possible and let her live her days out??? I don't want to put her through the rollercoaster of trying to manage both.

      I have a 9year old yorkie. I love her. She is my first dog ever.About 4 months ago she was diagnosed with?

      I have a 9year old yorkie. I love her. She is my first dog ever.About 4 months ago she was diagnosed with? General Dog Discussions
    • I'm so sorry to hear that. I had a Dachshund diagnosed with Cushings disease, thought it was way too late for her, the vet didn't want to diagnose her yet so she went through a series of treatment and medications, her tongue ended up rotting off, blood clots in the ears, her lower body ended up becoming paralyzed,.. it was such a horrible thing to watch her go through, my mother tried so hard to keep her alive but she was suffering.. badly.. she ended up putting her down when she woke up one morning and she was 100% paralyzed. I really advise you to put your dog down the second you start noticing any signs of struggle/suffering, you really don't have to watch your dog go through that, and it would be the best. If you can afford the treatment, definitely keep her going for as long as you can, but don't let her suffer either.. it was painful to see my dog suffer through Cushings. is your vet 100% positive? Cushings disease is a pretty big deal, that's why my vet took forever to fully diagnose my dog.

    • Your dog is fairly young to have already been diagnosed with Cushing's disease. But, I'm sure your veterinarian has confirmed the diagnosis. I recommend starting her on Nature's Bounty (made for people, works well for dogs). Test the glucose in her urine daily. Is she suffering? If you feel she is suffering, then euthanasia is the best option.