Thinking about getting a dog!?

we wanna get a boston terrier this summer. We want an inside/outside dog, and a girl one because we have a male german shepherd, and we know he will get along with a female. What do you think about this doggie? She is from petfinder and already has a…

    Thinking about getting a dog!?

    we wanna get a boston terrier this summer. We want an inside/outside dog, and a girl one because we have a male german shepherd, and we know he will get along with a female. What do you think about this doggie? She is from petfinder and already has a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Thinking about getting a dog!?...

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    • Thinking about getting a dog!?

      Thinking about getting a dog!? General Dog Discussions
      we wanna get a boston terrier this summer. We want an inside/outside dog, and a girl one because we have a male german shepherd, and we know he will get along with a female. What do you think about this doggie? She is from petfinder and already has a name, but if you could rename her what would you name her???? let her pics fool you, she won my heart. But also how can I convince my dad to let me get her? thanks!!!!!!!

      Thinking about getting a dog!?

      Thinking about getting a dog!? General Dog Discussions
    • She's cute. Its a good idea to adopt and if your dad says know just try to convience him by being more responsible, telling him why you should get the dog, and if all else fails start begging but only use that as a last resort.

    • Possibly by having one of them spayed or neutered if one of them already hasn't been fixed. Keep on and on about how great it would be, and that if you could have anything in the world, it would be to have her!! Hope this helps and good luck!

    • shes a rescue dog bless you! i would go for it, and i think the name is adorable too! show him the pics, and read her story he might fall in love like you did!

    • Feb is a long ways away for Summer. If you can't have a dog till Summer, don't fall in love witha dog now. She probably won't be available by then.She is lovely. Ask your dad about her and if he is not opposed, maybe he will let you go to the rescue to meet her in person and see if she is a good match. Good luck!

    • deff. not apple.coco? or cambria < fav name.she looks like a pitt bull. did you know this or.. do u think its a boston terrier?id reccomend a cairn terrier there amazing lovable protective lil doggies.tell your parents your saving him from being put to sleep and your going to give him a nice home where shes loved =]worked fer me lol

    • Terriers are very hyper and need a lot of excersise. I think it would be great for you too get the dog though but make sure you want a dog that needs lots of excersise.

    • How can you NOT love a face like that?!!!He's absolutely the most beautiful little puppy ever and if you adopt him you'll be the luckiest person ever too.I wish I could have a puppy but we live in cess pool Bay Area and hardly anyone will allow renters to have pets.But really that puppy is so cute!!!!And keep the name Apple because he'll be the apple of your eye.

    • I personaly like the name apple.If i was to change it i would change it to Miaya or twix. If i was you i would convince your dad to get you the dog i would get it as soon as possible because i wanted this puppy from this shelter FINALLY my mom agreed to it but when i went on the website to check on it the puppy was adopted i was sooooo disapointed. But that might not be the same thing since it is an adult dog but just saying. Make sure that the dog is within 3 hours away because i know that many parent willnot be willing to make that trip. Just to let you know i am 13 years old and am a animal lover i have been trying to get a dog for 9years and this summer or sooner i am for sure getting a dog. My mom was fine with it but my dad wasnt. I finally convinced my dad that if i get all A's at the end of the school year i can get a dog. And so far that plan is working out for me. just to let you know i am not a A's student at all this is the first year that i have gotten all A's. I am working extremely hard.I hope that helps i hope that you can convince your dadif i can convince mine you can convince yourmy dad is very very very stubborn toward getting a dog