do dogs always have a cough if they have heartworms?

Someone told us that our 10year old outside dog has heartworms because he won't eat nor drink very much. He will eat a little chicken breasts ( maybe 2 little pieces at a time) and a little water if we hold a bowl in front of him. I have even given him…

    do dogs always have a cough if they have heartworms?

    Someone told us that our 10year old outside dog has heartworms because he won't eat nor drink very much. He will eat a little chicken breasts ( maybe 2 little pieces at a time) and a little water if we hold a bowl in front of him. I have even given him…...
    General Dog Discussions : do dogs always have a cough if they have heartworms?...

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    • do dogs always have a cough if they have heartworms?

      do dogs always have a cough if they have heartworms? General Dog Discussions
      Someone told us that our 10year old outside dog has heartworms because he won't eat nor drink very much. He will eat a little chicken breasts ( maybe 2 little pieces at a time) and a little water if we hold a bowl in front of him. I have even given him a couple of tablespoonfuls of Karo syrup. He does not throw up nor has blood in his stool. We were also told that if he has heartworms that he would be coughing, but he doesn't. He has lost weight.

      do dogs always have a cough if they have heartworms?

      do dogs always have a cough if they have heartworms? General Dog Discussions
    • Most dogs with heart worms will cough, but there is always the possibility that they wont. We've personally owned one HW+ dog that didn't cough.Either way, the lack of eating/drinking is a cause for concern. And heart worms are always a possibility if the dog is not on a dewormer or preventative. I'd suggest going to the vet just to be safe.

    • If he has heartworm the vet can verify with a blood test.Those symptoms can be for many illnesses. I would take him to the vet to find out whats wrong before you try home remedies. If it is heartworm that is causing these symptoms he would have an advance case of them and will need medical attention asap.

    • There are many illnesses/diseases that can contribute to the symptoms you have posted.The only way to know for sure what is wrong with your dog is to have him vet checked.My friend had the exact same symptoms. Her Basset was not eating, loosing weight, not drinking....Vet check showed hookworms to the maximum and pneumonia.

    • Please take him to the vet because he has all the signs of Heart Worms. The vet can give him medicine to get rid of it if he isn't ran down . Heart Worms are a very deadly disease if not treated. It is also a very horrible death . Good luck