what is the best kind of dog to give to a 10year old child.?

my kid is turnring ten in four days, and i want to give him a dog. so i want to know what kind i should give him. and why.

    what is the best kind of dog to give to a 10year old child.?

    my kid is turnring ten in four days, and i want to give him a dog. so i want to know what kind i should give him. and why....
    General Dog Discussions : what is the best kind of dog to give to a 10year old child.?...

    • Look at the family's lifestyle and activity level. Look at your son's activity level and how gentle he is. Try to match the dog to your life or you may end up unhappy. Larger breeds need more exercise, but they are sturdier. Tiny dogs are breakable. Medium to smaller are often a good match.I'd say go check out your local shelter, talk to the people there about a good match for a young boy. Ask about training classes. If you adopt an older pup or young adult the dog may already have some training and may be housebroken.Puppies are cute, but grow up awefully fast. And letting him pick, could end you up with a hyper monster. I prefer submissive calm dogs, less likely to bully a child.http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/nothingfree.htmI also highly recommend Cesar Millan's book, DVDs and tv show the Dog Whisperer. http://cesarmillan.securesites.net/index.php?cPath=24Check into crate training to ease any housebreaking issues and give the dog a bed that has a door on it.You can use a white board with dog chores on it, so your son can help care for the dog. But do not expect a child to be fully responsible so make sure it's a dog you like also.

    • Studies show the best family dogs are Labs, Golden retrevers and beagles. Personaly I would go with a beagle because they are friendly and great with kids. Beagles also do well if you have a lot of family or friends over at times. They are people dogs. Also they aren't very big your son could easily handle a dog of this size. They are also a snap to trian. They are extreamly smart and do well on a reward system for example you say, "sit" ,they sit and you reward them with a small treat or give them a special toy to play with. They'll catch on very quickly. I have taught Beagle puppies to sit with in 10 min. Like I said they are very smart dogs.I hope this helps you out. And I hope your son has a wonderful Birthday!

    • A cocker spaniel. They are sweet tempered and love to play. Also your local Humane animal shelter has a lot of cute sweet tempered mongrels that really need a loving home. They have rooms where you can spend time with your choice to see how compatible you are. I suggest that you and your son take a trip to a shelter and let him choose and spend some time with the dog before you actually adopt it. Hope this helps.