neutered 10year old male started peeing on clothes?

This just started, he has no litter box as he has a dog door and has always come and gone as he wanted. Just had a check at the vet in June for worms was also checked for bladder problems at that time.

    neutered 10year old male started peeing on clothes?

    This just started, he has no litter box as he has a dog door and has always come and gone as he wanted. Just had a check at the vet in June for worms was also checked for bladder problems at that time....
    General Dog Discussions : neutered 10year old male started peeing on clothes?...

    • neutered 10year old male started peeing on clothes?

      neutered 10year old male started peeing on clothes? General Dog Discussions
      This just started, he has no litter box as he has a dog door and has always come and gone as he wanted. Just had a check at the vet in June for worms was also checked for bladder problems at that time.

      neutered 10year old male started peeing on clothes?

      neutered 10year old male started peeing on clothes? General Dog Discussions
    • He needs to be checked for a bladder infection and crystals in his urine. Even if he got checked in June. That's usually what causes cats to start peeing in strange places.