Can a dog drink something other than water?

I was wondering if a dog can drink something other than water? My dog seems like he's getting bored with just water, he's a seven month old Black Lab [we think mixed with German Sheperd] if it matters.

    Can a dog drink something other than water?

    I was wondering if a dog can drink something other than water? My dog seems like he's getting bored with just water, he's a seven month old Black Lab [we think mixed with German Sheperd] if it matters....
    General Dog Discussions : Can a dog drink something other than water?...

    • Can a dog drink something other than water?

      Can a dog drink something other than water? General Dog Discussions
      I was wondering if a dog can drink something other than water? My dog seems like he's getting bored with just water, he's a seven month old Black Lab [we think mixed with German Sheperd] if it matters.

      Can a dog drink something other than water?

      Can a dog drink something other than water? General Dog Discussions
    • Well obviously a dog 'can' drink other things, for instance: any liquid. Whether or not it's healthy is another matter, and depends on the liquid in question. I'd stick to water though if I were you.

    • try putting a little bit of gravy in his water. our dog would put food in his water to make it flavored. you can try a bit of chicken broth. my dog even liked this stuff called twist it was a slightly flavored water

    • OMG! dont feed your dog beer, i dont think that would do it much good. I would stick with water. When he is thirsty he iwll drink. Dont woory bout it.x

    • its better and safer if you give him plain water. nothing else just water. he'll never get bored of it. and just a reminder to not ever give your dog chocolate it is extremely extremely bad for your dog's health.

    • Dogs are into water and it is the healthiest thing for them to drink, trust me you don't want your dog to get sick on koolaid. It is just cruel to offer your dog anything but a cool drink of water.

    • just stick to water,flavoring is something we humans have come up with and quite frankly we can live on just water and food,and actually benefit from it too.dogs do not get bored.if you were to feed him the same food throughout his life he would eat it with the same gusto each and everyday,unless the food turns rancidsuch as the ones that people buy in 50 lb bulk they leave it in the bag the food turns rancid the dog stops eating it because it's spoiled but the peole think it's because the dog tired of eating the same dog food. LOL

    • Water is the natural drink for dogs. They dont get fed up with it, they just drink it as, and when they are thirsty. As a treat you could try a drop of milk, which they tend to like. Alternatively try Tea. They almost always like it and it has the effect of giving them a shiny coat.

    • I would keep him on plain water, whatever you do, do not ever let your dog near beer. I made the mistake of letting my dog (an English setter) clean up a spilled beer once, and now you can't have a can of beer anywhere in sight of him or he'll knock it over on purpose so he can drink it. Not good.

    • yea Milk, soda, water you what but its on you! if your not sure just go to a vet or web site about dogs and ask that question! I've also seen dogs drink beer on a show ones but i don't now if it real or not so take your pick.

    • Of course, Many Dog- Drinks are available today.. While Many drinks might have mild side-effects, but to choose one of the best is more important. There are so many products to feed to your pet, and so few beverages! Why not some special drinks just for pets? If it was a handy powder mix, you could simply pour it into the toilet for your dog. Or open a zesty can of Squirel Squeezin's for your cat.For More Drinking Products of the Dogs Try2Click here---> beverages of dogs have more demand these day.