How do I get my pup to drink more water?

I know how important it is for people to drink a good amount of water to keep our kidneys in good working condition and what not.... does this apply to dogs?If so, what can I do to make my dog drink more water then she is?

    How do I get my pup to drink more water?

    I know how important it is for people to drink a good amount of water to keep our kidneys in good working condition and what not.... does this apply to dogs?If so, what can I do to make my dog drink more water then she is?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I get my pup to drink more water?...

    • How do I get my pup to drink more water?

      How do I get my pup to drink more water? General Dog Discussions
      I know how important it is for people to drink a good amount of water to keep our kidneys in good working condition and what not.... does this apply to dogs?If so, what can I do to make my dog drink more water then she is?

      How do I get my pup to drink more water?

      How do I get my pup to drink more water? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, In fact dogs do need a lot of water, so what to do it sprink a pinch of salt in the food, JUST A PINCH, and have the water next to the food so the dog will be thirsty and CRAVE water, it is harmless to the dog, so try it I hop it works!

    • My dog did the same thing so what i did was i put the water in a cup and made him drink it and he got used to it and then started drinking it from a bowl

    • I don't know how old your dog is but if he/she goes days w/o water maybe a trip to the vet might be good. If it has a bad tooth the temperature of the water would keep it from drinking.Daily cleaning of the bowl{because it gets slimy}might be something and always make sure the water is changed daily if not more. One thing I would like everyone to know is, if your dog or cat is thirsty all the time that is a sign of diabetes.

    • Dogs will drink when they are thirsty. You can put ice cubes in the water bowl so it is a fun thing, but it is also messy. I did trained my dog to drink from a water bottle. Comes in real handy when we are out and I don't want him drinking from the community dog fountain.

    • Dogs should always have fresh water available to them all day . If you do this they will get enough to drink on there own . They really like fresh cold water in the summer just like us. If I have a dehydrated, sick dog, I will make a home made beef broth , the store broth has to much salt in it.