how much water dog must drink per day?

i want to ask how much water dog must drink per day because my dog drink a lot of water and always pee..i want to dicrease the pee of my dog....who can help me?

    how much water dog must drink per day?

    i want to ask how much water dog must drink per day because my dog drink a lot of water and always pee..i want to dicrease the pee of my dog....who can help me?...
    General Dog Discussions : how much water dog must drink per day?...

    • how much water dog must drink per day?

      how much water dog must drink per day? General Dog Discussions
      i want to ask how much water dog must drink per day because my dog drink a lot of water and always pee..i want to dicrease the pee of my dog....who can help me?

      how much water dog must drink per day?

      how much water dog must drink per day? General Dog Discussions
    • if your dog is thirsty, let him drink. If you were drinking a lot of water, you wouldn't want to be cut off from it, even if it does make you pee a lot.

    • in hot weather dogs need lots of water. you don't want to decrease what you give the dog that will just make their kidneys have to work harder and that can lead to more problems down the line. i recommend a fresh water bowl (you can get at target or petco) that you just fill once a day but the water cycles so that it is always fresh and clean. your dog will drink as much as is needed.

    • Please make sure that this is not a medical problem (very likely) that is causing your dog to drink/pee so much. It could also be warm weather making your dog drink so much. Don't restrict access to water, that can do a lot of damage to the dog. If the dog is peeing in the house, you'll need to clean throughly with an enzyme cleaner and possible re-start house training.

    • A dog is supposed to drink 1 cup of water per 10 pounds every 24 hours. My dog is 50 pounds, so she should drink at least 5 cups of water per day, but this will vary a little from dog to dog. You don't want to ration his water, if he is thirsty, let him drink. Usually when a dog is drinking a lot and urinating a lot it is called PU/PD which stands for Polyuria(excessive urination) and polydipsia(excessive drinking). These can be signs of health issues, such as diabetes, or even a simple UTI. It might be a good idea to have him checked by a veterinarian. Another reason this happens is if a dog is taking a steroid. Did your veterinarian put your dog on a steroid recently? I hope this helps, and I hope everything turns out okay.

    • If your dog is drinking too much water, then you might want to make an appointment with your vet to see if there is a health problem. You shouldn't limit the intake of water from your dog, because it'll lead to dehydration. Always make sure your dog has plenty of water during the day. What is the temperature in your home? Is the dog left outside for long periods of time? Dogs tend to drink water to help keep themselves cool, just like their panting cools them down, or sleeping downstairs or on a cool tile floor keeps them cool. Good luck.

    • you should only be feeding your dog about 3-4 times a day. put water out with the food but take it away after 30-40 minutes, unless your dog has just been on a walk or played with you (you will know if hes thirsty if he pants excessively.) Also you should go to your vet just incase this is a medical condition. good luck!

    • First of all you need to make sure the dog doesn't have a medical problem causing excessive urination. For the most part, a dog should have fresh, clean water available to them at ALL times. However, if this is a puppy you are trying to housebreak, it would be okay to remove his water dish in the evening, and return it right away in the morning. Once he is old enough to control his bladder, he should always have water available.P.S. I installed a pet-door so that my dog can let himself in/out. If you have a fenced yard, this is an excellent solution to not having to attend to his nature calls.