Can dogs drink water with more iron than tap? Water from a wale?

My dad gives my two dogs wale water because we live in the country. I want to know if i should give them the wale water that has a very high iron content, or should i give them tap water?

    Can dogs drink water with more iron than tap? Water from a wale?

    My dad gives my two dogs wale water because we live in the country. I want to know if i should give them the wale water that has a very high iron content, or should i give them tap water?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can dogs drink water with more iron than tap? Water from a wale?...

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    • Can dogs drink water with more iron than tap? Water from a wale?

      Can dogs drink water with more iron than tap? Water from a wale? General Dog Discussions
      My dad gives my two dogs wale water because we live in the country. I want to know if i should give them the wale water that has a very high iron content, or should i give them tap water?

      Can dogs drink water with more iron than tap? Water from a wale?

      Can dogs drink water with more iron than tap? Water from a wale? General Dog Discussions
    • wale water ? Do you mean well water from out of the ground ? Many time the tap water is well water with floride and chlorine added here it is a mix of well water and lake water run through a sand filter and clorine and floride addedDogs can tolerate lots of things people cannot