Is it okay to take a 15 week old beagle on a 5 mile hike?

every saturday i take my three dogs, a yorkie and two english mastiffs, on a hike. all of them LOVE it. but im scared that if i take my beagle puppy it wouldn't be good for his health because of the heat. (i stop and give my dogs water every 30 mins.)…

    Is it okay to take a 15 week old beagle on a 5 mile hike?

    every saturday i take my three dogs, a yorkie and two english mastiffs, on a hike. all of them LOVE it. but im scared that if i take my beagle puppy it wouldn't be good for his health because of the heat. (i stop and give my dogs water every 30 mins.)…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it okay to take a 15 week old beagle on a 5 mile hike?...

    • Is it okay to take a 15 week old beagle on a 5 mile hike?

      Is it okay to take a 15 week old beagle on a 5 mile hike? General Dog Discussions
      every saturday i take my three dogs, a yorkie and two english mastiffs, on a hike. all of them LOVE it. but im scared that if i take my beagle puppy it wouldn't be good for his health because of the heat. (i stop and give my dogs water every 30 mins.) would it be safe for my puppy?

      Is it okay to take a 15 week old beagle on a 5 mile hike?

      Is it okay to take a 15 week old beagle on a 5 mile hike? General Dog Discussions
    • yea i would think so just stop every 15 minutes? bring a spray bottle with cold water in it and spray him and give him little breaks by carrying him on the parts that you can take it easy for a couple Saturdays and just take short hikes that maybe aren't that steep or that have a lot of hills and call a vet just to be sure...

    • No - way too much for a pup of that age. Don't forget that the bones are still soft and weak and you can cause damage to them so easily. Irrelevant that you stop every 30 mins for water, it would not be good for him at all. My dogs would get 20 mins of actual walking per day at that age - which is about half a mile out and half a mile back. Still a long way for a pup.