I have mice right outside my backdoor that are getting into everything?

I have outside dogs and was wanting to know anything that I could use to get rid of the mice that would not harm my dogs. The mice are getting in my Gas Grill and get in my dogs water bowl. Does anyone know of something that will help keep the pest…

    I have mice right outside my backdoor that are getting into everything?

    I have outside dogs and was wanting to know anything that I could use to get rid of the mice that would not harm my dogs. The mice are getting in my Gas Grill and get in my dogs water bowl. Does anyone know of something that will help keep the pest…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have mice right outside my backdoor that are getting into everything?...

    • I have mice right outside my backdoor that are getting into everything?

      I have mice right outside my backdoor that are getting into everything? General Dog Discussions
      I have outside dogs and was wanting to know anything that I could use to get rid of the mice that would not harm my dogs. The mice are getting in my Gas Grill and get in my dogs water bowl. Does anyone know of something that will help keep the pest away?

      I have mice right outside my backdoor that are getting into everything?

      I have mice right outside my backdoor that are getting into everything? General Dog Discussions
    • you might try an eclectic rodent detracting. they seem to work and if you get the right one they shouldn't bug your pets. If they are getting in the grill you might also try putting traps in their where your dogs can't reach it. But remember to check regularly. You might even ask about some poison that wouldn't hurt the dogs if they ate the mouse after it dies and find where the mice are living and if it is out of the reach of the dogs put the poison there.

    • Any type of rat/mouse poison could kill your dog if the dog got into it, or if your dog was chewing on a dead mouse that had died from eating the poison. Years ago I lost a cat that way (a neighbor put rat poison in her basement and my cat caught and ate a half-dead from poison mouse.) We all know how dogs love to play with and/or eat dead stuff!! About the only thing you could do is use mouse traps, but put them up high enough so that your pooch won't get his nose snapped in one!!

    • You should get one of those fence things that block of some areas inside or outside your home for dogs. You can use good old fashioned mouse traps in all the places that the dogs can't get too. I've found that they get them every time. Kinda messy though. And don't ever use poison pellets cuz the mice throw up blood when they die. Its nasty and messy. Sticky tape and stuff gets stuck on everything. But you should definitely have a whole day where the dogs can;t get into a large area. Use the mouse traps (the snapping ones and put peanut butter instead of cheese. This happened tho my friend, but he didn't have dogs so that's why I say to block off some areas. Do it like once a weak. And a lot if the mice will be gone hopefully. I hope I've helped! ^^