what happens if your dog gets water in her ear?

i took my dog out on my boat with me today to go fishing with my boyfriend and me and she accidently fell in. she was only in there for a second but she went completly underwater. she is acting like she is fine but i heard that it is really bad for a dog…

    what happens if your dog gets water in her ear?

    i took my dog out on my boat with me today to go fishing with my boyfriend and me and she accidently fell in. she was only in there for a second but she went completly underwater. she is acting like she is fine but i heard that it is really bad for a dog…...
    General Dog Discussions : what happens if your dog gets water in her ear?...

    • what happens if your dog gets water in her ear?

      what happens if your dog gets water in her ear? General Dog Discussions
      i took my dog out on my boat with me today to go fishing with my boyfriend and me and she accidently fell in. she was only in there for a second but she went completly underwater. she is acting like she is fine but i heard that it is really bad for a dog to get water in their ears.i think she will be ok because she did shake alot when she got out. (she's a pitbull i dont know if that matters). i have been keeping a close eye on her to make sure she isnt changing her behavior and she seems to be herself.

      what happens if your dog gets water in her ear?

      what happens if your dog gets water in her ear? General Dog Discussions
    • Usually dogs will shake their whole body after get wet. She will be fine. Just make sure you give your dog a good bath. The water might look clean, but you never know what are in the water that make us itching after swimming.Addition information:Every time I went to the vet, the girls always clean my dog ear and cut their nails. I never think about my dogs' ears much. I do clean their ears, when I got a time to do it. I still think your dog will be fine, and some of your advises are sound very good-like alcohol. Here is what the vet gave to me "Vet solutions". I just squeezed it in their ear canal, and massaged the base of the ears. My dog couldn't stand it, they would shake their head hard. That was good, I wanted them to do that. Then I would wipe out their ears with cotton balls. I should do this one or two times a week, but I hardly do it. It would be good to do especially after swimming. I did wipe out around their ears with a dry towel after a bath. Good luck to you and your dog.

    • If the water is trapped, and doesn't dry, it can lead to infection.It's important to make sure it dries.Pour a little rubbing alcohol in there.There are also drying powders that work great. Get them (cheap) at pet stores.

    • Just clean her ears properly with ear cleaning solution and cotton balls so she doesn't get an infection. My dogs get water in their ears all the time and that's what the vet recommended.

    • Because of the anatomy of the external auditory meatus of dogs, water usually gets trapped in there, causing an ideal environment for bacteria to grow, causing external/middle or internal otitis. usually dogs are successful in getting all the water out by shaking their heads. I don't think there is anything to worry about, but just be aware of behavioral changes in your dog, like tenderness around the base of the ear, or loss of balance or any behavioral changes that you might find unusual, in which case, take her to the vet.Evs(Good things)

    • They will be wet until they dry, ie, not to worry. Constantly getting them wet is another issue that often afflicts retreivers and is similar to swimmers' ear in humans.

    • Just like humans dogs can get swimmers ear and ear infections. Most likely a casual encounter won't do any harm. A few things to watch out for; frequent shaking of the head, stumbling, pawing at the ear, and frequent ear scratching. If you notice any of these signs you can try cleaning out the ears, which I recommend doing after any water adventure. If the condition gets worse or persists for more than 48 hours consult with a vet.

    • infection, infection, infection.... theres no way for the water to escape... try rubbing inside gently with a cotton ball and see if it sucks any up, get ear powder to dry it good from a pet store..

    • It is not good idea for get water in dog's ear. It can bother dogs. It will give it ear infection. I have medicine for my dog, it works. Wash dog's ear good.-Experienced Dog Owner