How much should I charge to train dogs?

I'm trying to get my dog training business up and running and I'm still unsure what I should charge for training someone's dog. The schedule would likely be an hour a day 3 - 4 days a week for 3 - 4 weeks. Should I charge by the hour, week, or a flat…

    How much should I charge to train dogs?

    I'm trying to get my dog training business up and running and I'm still unsure what I should charge for training someone's dog. The schedule would likely be an hour a day 3 - 4 days a week for 3 - 4 weeks. Should I charge by the hour, week, or a flat…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How much should I charge to train dogs?...

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    • How much should I charge to train dogs?

      How much should I charge to train dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
      I'm trying to get my dog training business up and running and I'm still unsure what I should charge for training someone's dog. The schedule would likely be an hour a day 3 - 4 days a week for 3 - 4 weeks. Should I charge by the hour, week, or a flat rate. Some dogs will take longer than others and my schedule will fluctuate some (I do SAR work). I'm not doing this to get rich and want my clients to be satisfied with a well behaved dog. I'm not sure what a reasonable price to charge would be for someone who doesn't have a reputation built up yet but does have the skills.What would you be willing to pay? Suggestions appreciated.In response to tlctreecare:Most of the sessions will be one on one with me and the dog doing basic obedience but I understand that I will also have to have sessions with the dog owner covering what we've learned and how they are to handle the dog. Handling and training are 2 different things. I will take a good look at the dog's home and make suggestions regarding it's schedule and acceptible behavior. I don't intend to get too deep with behavioral problems at first but the way I train covers more than just your basic obedience exercises. Socialization and confidence building will play a large part too.The area I'm in is Missouri.

      How much should I charge to train dogs?

      How much should I charge to train dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I take my dog to conformation classes weekly, and th price is $6 per one hour session, regardless of th amount of dogs that show up. I have other dogs that I 'send' to a professional trainer, for edvanced work which includes the animal being away for a month at a time, which includes room & board. This runs about $300 a month. Yo can see that you must decide the type of trainignthat you'e going to be oerforming and adjust the chatges accordingly. I'd suggest that you make a lit of what services you are accomplished at performing, and them check with trainers nearby you, for what they're charging for the same service, then as you're starting out, offer an initial discount to new customers.

    • Are you planning on working with the dog only and not the owner? To train you need to be training the owner.I do behavorial consultations.I get $50 for a initial visit and $35-40 per visit after the first one.I work one on one with the owner and dog and all the members of the house.You need to work with the owners, 90% or more of the stuff I see is not a dog problem it is a owner problem.They do not understand how or why they should be doing things. Fixthat and the dog "problem" is solved.Depending on your area and your credentials and what you are training for will depend on what you can charge.I am not sure what they charge for obeiance classes as I really do not give classes. I have done them for the rescue I work with but those were done a free thing for nbew dog owners getting dogs from the rescue.

    • I charge $30 an hour for private training, but also have been known to charge very little to nothing if the people don't have much money and really need help. You don't want to charge so much that your average person can't afford the help they need.It is probably more elsewhere, group classes are only $45 for 8 weeks here.If you are going to have the dog living with you, then you need to charge an hourly rate for training (I charge less for a dog living with me as I don't have to go to their house), but you will need to charge a boarding fee, I charge $10/day. I also have the owners take my group obedience class so I can help them learn to handle their dog after I have taken the 'edge' off. Way to many trainers just send the dog back without teaching the owners how to work with the dog. The dog will work great for the trainer but not for the owners. I have been training for many years and do have a reputation, but alot depends on your local economy.

    • First of all, you must look for a well recognized dog trainer, with many experience. Better ask several trainers, so that you can compare prices. Good Luck!

    • first.. what is the cost of BB's in your local town.. divide that into the amount of times you.."train"..(shoot) the dog against the cost of training supplies..Example.. BB's cost 2.50 a box of 500 you train the dog using 200 training shots, training cost... practice shots.. teaching someone to lead a dog in training.. and then subtract the fun ya had.. I'd say you can bring a dog in to line in under 700.00...and if you need any help..any at all just let me know. :)KIDDING!!!add the hours you work. pay yourself that amount.. example you work 3 hours at 20.00 per hour thats 60.00 then what ever you make.. example 60.00 divide that in thirds 2 3rd's is the company share or cost so 60.00 + 40.00(or two thirds) = 100.00 for three hours.good luck