Would a rottwelier make a good first dog?

I have three children, the youngest is 4 and my husband is a previous dog owner.I have heard that rottweilers are good with kids.

    Would a rottwelier make a good first dog?

    I have three children, the youngest is 4 and my husband is a previous dog owner.I have heard that rottweilers are good with kids....
    General Dog Discussions : Would a rottwelier make a good first dog?...

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    • I got my Rot when i was pregnet whit my first....he was my little baby.....then my big baby ....when my son was borne the dog would cry when the baby cried....he was always sticking his head in the bassinet to check on him.....he was a good dog and i still miss him sometimes.....

    • in my opinion, NO.You need to be spot on and totally dedicated to disciplining this potentially dangerous and highly powerful animal.check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rottweiler i quote from the site:In recent years the breed has received some negative publicity, possibly related to the fact that Rottweilers were the number two breed of dog named in fatal human attacks from 1979 to 1998 in a report by the CDC.[7]. Unscrupulous breeders have produced dogs with highly aggressive tendencies and some owners have used the dogs as guard or protection dogs. Other owners may acquire a Rottweiler for a family pet, but neglect to properly socialize and train the animal, resulting in a dangerous, unpredictable dog. The portrayal of Rottweilers as evil dogs in several fictional films and TV series, most notably in The Omen, has contributed to this negative publicity. Citing recent dog attacks involving the breed, some States of Germany put the Rottweiler on an index of dangerous dogs. The states adopting the legislation are Bavaria, Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia. Visitors and residents must obey the local muzzling and leash-length laws.My advice to you is consider a different breed of dog.

    • I have two rottweilers now. I've had more. ALL were wonderful with my 4 children and other children. They were /and are very loyal good pets. Mine are very gentle with children. They are also very protective of them. None of mine have EVER bitten anyone. 2 are with my husband at his shop every day.However none of them have been fond of cats. I have read its due to the fact Rotts have an instinct to chase things and the kill is accidental extending from that chase. Basically to rough of play...... Mine don't seem to bother my cats unless they run..............the wise ones don't. Thats my only battle I've ever had in 15 yrs of Rotts. So I'm thinking the first is true.

    • If raised right, Rotties are ok with kids but there are so many other breeds that would be better. The best dog in the world for kids is a good ole' American mutt from the shelter. Let the kids pick it out, make it a family thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • As long as you properly train your rotti, then yes, but I don't think I recommend them as a first dog. You MUST train them to get the wonderful dog that they can be. AND YOU must be their leader. Otherwise they, like any dog will take over instead of being nice. Like the one across the street from me. She's BIG, she's beautiful, she looks mean, but she loves kids and other dogs, even the pitbull that visited her once. he's nice too, by the way. It's all in the training. Rotty's are BIG dogs and very strong and you MUST be able to handle one. it's true a good first dog would be a lab or golden retreiver. In case training isn't upheld, these dogs naturally are sweet tempered. Rottys can be too, it's all inthe training. get a good trainer and LEARN how to be your dogs leader, always stick to the training and never waiver and you'll have the sweet loving rotty you trust around your kids above all others. I know a rotty who is a service dog. I've seen pictures of kids laying all over her. she loves them! And she was a shelter dog!!! If you're husband knows how to handle this type of dog and can teach you and the kids, I say go for it. It's not the dog that makes a vicious dog, it's the people who train it. Remember that and don't let the dog get away with anything. As a puppy, it's SO cute, but stick to it and don't ever let it do something that is not acceptable. Good Luck!