How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one?

My b/f,he's 25, wants a dog/puppy. But he ONLY wants to buy one. I'm a "crazy" person,as he said, for wanting to adopt one. Any tips on how to help him change his mind hopefully? We can take care of whatever we decide to get. It's be…

    How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one?

    My b/f,he's 25, wants a dog/puppy. But he ONLY wants to buy one. I'm a "crazy" person,as he said, for wanting to adopt one. Any tips on how to help him change his mind hopefully? We can take care of whatever we decide to get. It's be…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you convince someone to rescue/adopt a dog/puppy instead of just buying one?...

    • You can't. This is an adult and as long as he is buying from a reputable breeder is it any of your concern? No its not. Leave your bf alone. If he wants to buy a puppy rather than adopt one that's his call.I hate people who try and push other people to adopt. Adopting is not for everyone. Whatever breed he wants have him look up the national breed club and go through their breeder listings.Seriously this is like asking how do I get my bf to change his religion. Its still a personal choice and don't try guilt because it lack maturity and reason. Reputable breeders are not part of the shelter population problem.

    • The best and only way I can think of is to take your BF to the animal shelter and explain to him that sometimes they take in purebreds. The only thing is you won't get the papers with the pet because they don't want you to breed them.Purchasing a purebred is only a good idea if you plan to breed it, otherwise it is a waste of your money. I volunteered at an animal shelter a few years back and we took in labs, golden retrievers, rottweilers, poms, poodles, dobermans, etc. Tell your sweetie to just go and take a look.

    • Well, why does he think you're "crazy" for it? He's probably misinformed. Perhaps he thinks that all dogs in shelters or rescue have behavior problems or health problems. Maybe he thinks that there aren't any puppies in shelters. Of course, neither of these are true! But a lot of people don't know that until they actually go to a shelter or attend an adoption event. For this - show him some puppies on that you'll think he will like, based on his breed/look/size preference. He probably doesn't know that 99.99% of dogs that you can buy are from puppy millers and backyard breeders, and that these dogs are no better than the ones you can find at shelters - even if they are purebred. For this - you'll just have to educate him with materials on good versus bad breeding.If it's also YOUR dog (and if you are helping to take care of it, then it is also YOURS), then you also get to call the shots. Personally, I'd categorically refuse to buy a dog. The end. Finito. If none of these things work, use your natural womanly gifts. Just say, no. Sorry. Deal with it. The way you win arguments is by being the last one to give in, and being the person that is willing to stake more on it than the other guy. This battle is worth it, so go for it.

    • Tell him the truth about the shelter dogs. They need homes badly and are just as cute and smart as any dog that you could buy. Plus its way cheaper too. Most shelters have lots of dogs and puppies. Our dog came from a shelter, she is a mutt and she is cute as a button and smart as a whip. We have had her for 12 years, and could not have asked for a better dog. Plus all the mixed breeds they have there are so adorable, they make better pets and are just as easy to train. The vets at the shelter give them all the neccesary shots. It only costs about $60 at the most.

    • take him to a shelter. find someone trained in the field to educate your friend on pure bred dogs. where does he plan on buying one at? does he realize the majority of pure bred dogs come from puppy mills? does he know what a puppy mill is? has he ever seen one? you can find one to download for him so he can see the actual horrors of it. most reputable breeders aren't rich. the rich ones own the puppy mills. a breeder can tell your friend whatever he wants to hear. AKC papers does not guarantee that a puppy did not come from a puppy mill. papers only show the breed of the dog. go to the shelter. give a deserving pup a good home. i hope you can talk him out of the purchase. good luck

    • you should take him to a shelter he will more then likely fall in love. also if my fiance wanted to buy a dog instead of adopting i would be mad and be calling him an a$$ because those dogs have a time limit and then they get put down. also tell him adoped dogs are already spayed/ neutered and actally make the best dogs. they make the best pets

    • I agree with you, in that he should adopt! Here are a few ideas to try and convince him to do so:-Tell him exactly why he should not buy from a breeder or pet shop. Explain to him about pet shops and their connections to puppy mills. For breeders, talk to him about the overpopulation of pets, how buying from a breeder leaves a puppy waiting in the shelter to die.-Bring him to any of the shelters you have near you, and look for puppies together. Since you didn't say if he was looking for a specific breed, this would be a good idea. If he doesn't comply, find out if the shelter has a website, and show him the dogs they have.-If he is still calling you 'crazy', remind him of the difference in cost between a breeder/pet store and a shelter: How much a puppy costs when you buy from a breeder/pet store = $200+++ [Especially since pet stores/breeders sell only pure bred dogs]Shelter = $100-200 at most. Prices will vary depending where you live, but this is good idea of what they should be. Also, pet store/breeders do not usually get the dog all of their shots, while a shelter does everything for you, saving you a lot of money in the long run.-Many shelter dogs are already trained, and if they aren't, they will usually tell you if you ask. Pet store/breeders do not train their dogs, and they also 99% of the time sell puppies, meaning even more time training.These are the best points I can think of. And even if he doesn't want to buy from a shelter, look up dogs in the newspaper and online. :)

    • this is very nice of you to try. i am a HUGE advocate for australia many adoption places sell puppies of many breeds with desexing vouchers, as well as already been microchiped.this is a huge incentive for many animals owners as the price paid for a puppy from a adoption centre is ALWAYS less then the cost of microchipping and desexing. making it more financially viable.also raise the idea of how many animals are put down each year because no one can give them homes. also point out that people who can afford to buy a dog usually guarantee a good home, so the other puppies will always go to a good home without him. if he saves an animal he will doing the world a favour.i have already told my boyfriend (who is also about to get a puppy) that if he doesnt get a rescued/adopted puppy we will break up because he isn't considering my opinion or accepting that the issues a raise regarding addoption are true, he agreed to worse case, threaten to leave... :)let me know how you go. good luck. your doing a wonderful thing.

    • Have him look on and he will see that there are so many breeds available, not just the mutts. And not just old dogs but plenty of puppies too! However, mutts make the best pets of all and are so loyal and have a wonderful dispositions. That's where I found my last 2 dogs. Also, by adopting a dog from one of those sites, the dogs will already be fixed and most will have the necessary shots, so you are really getting quite the deal. If his heart doesn't melt after seeing although precious pups then I would suggest you dump him and go get the dog on your own!