Will people get mad if I give their dogs junk food at a church picnic?

My church is having a big picnic this weekend, and some people will be bringing their dogs to the park. Is it OK to give the dogs things like hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cookies, and brownies?

    Will people get mad if I give their dogs junk food at a church picnic?

    My church is having a big picnic this weekend, and some people will be bringing their dogs to the park. Is it OK to give the dogs things like hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cookies, and brownies?...
    General Dog Discussions : Will people get mad if I give their dogs junk food at a church picnic?...

    • I would be mad.... Not all dogs can handle people food. I had a dog that I used to give table scraps to and she got very ill. I got her to the vet just in time, she almost died from pancreatitis. Some people foods are toxic to dogs... Raisins, baking chocolate, onions, grapes are some. Some things that are ok to give are baby carrots, apple slices and green beans ( canned ). If you plan to do this, you should definately ask their owner before you do so! You never know if a dog has allergies to certain foods or just can't tolerate people food. Please be respectful...

    • well obviously people will get upset that your feeding their animals posion!! cookies and brownies contain choclate which is the number 1 thing toxic to all dogs. if this is one of those joke questions i dont find it humorous at all your just wasting everyones time...but if you are one of those people who are serious but clueless then you need to provide puppy treats and water at the picnic and let the owners decide what they want to feed their dog most of them will probably have already fed their dog (the right things) before they take their dog out.

    • Never feed someone elses dog ANYTHING unless you have their permission. There are so many allergies that dogs have, and some foods can be toxic if they ingest enough (for example: cookies and brownies). Keep your food to yourself.