How long after having dog micochipped, can he get a bath?

My Dog got mico chipped on Wednesday. It's been 3 days.Can I give him a bath? Or when can I?Thanks!

    How long after having dog micochipped, can he get a bath?

    My Dog got mico chipped on Wednesday. It's been 3 days.Can I give him a bath? Or when can I?Thanks!...
    General Dog Discussions : How long after having dog micochipped, can he get a bath?...

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    • How long after having dog micochipped, can he get a bath?

      How long after having dog micochipped, can he get a bath? General Dog Discussions
      My Dog got mico chipped on Wednesday. It's been 3 days.Can I give him a bath? Or when can I?Thanks!

      How long after having dog micochipped, can he get a bath?

      How long after having dog micochipped, can he get a bath? General Dog Discussions
    • You could have left the vet and gone straight to the groomer for a bath. Microchipipng is non-invasive (chip is implanted with what essentially amounts to a shot). Bathing, exercise, or any other normal activities won't dislodge the chip, deactivate it or do any other damage.

    • The microchip that is used is very small and is usually injected with a 16-18 gauge needle. When they implant it they should have pulled up the skin, injected the chip and then pinched the skin closed as the needle came out. That should have been sufficient for to close the opening up as well as stop the bleeding. While we would have them in our vet office we would be able to microchip them if even if they were only being dropped off for a bath. There is no waiting period after the micro chipping before a bath.

    • Of course you can, the microchip is not any kind of wound, it is a tiny device, like a grain of rice, and is injected under the skin. There is no damage to the skin and no need to take any precautions because of it.

    • of course the vet didn't tell you. i fostered a female lhasa for a couple of weeks until she could be placed. oh my god her oder. i understand itat it takes awhile for the smell to get out of there body. with frequent baths and decent food the smell should go away. can you touch the place where they put the chip, are there any stitches or what can you feel. if you can't feel any stitches or anything abnormal i would think if you put him in the bathroom sink it should be safe. you know of course that you need to use a doggy shampoo and conditioner. may i make a few other suggestions from years of having dogs? clean his ears with q tips, see if he will let you put your finger in his mouth, so you can brush his teeth in time. if he lets you put your finger in his mouth, rub it over his teeth very gently,at the same time tell him what good dog he is and how much mommy loves him. he will get the idea oh, i did something good. do the same thing with his paws. when you are showing him love hold his paw and when he lets you do that praise the day lights out of him. he's going to get the idea, oh i did something good. when you can hold his paw and talk to him put your fingers in between the pads of his paws. in time he will let you cut his nails. when you are bathing him or the other things i told you to start to do, if he lets you, always keep telling him what a good dog he is and how much mommy loves him. if you catch him doing something good, praise the day lights out of him. he's going to think, oh really, that i can do again to get affection, thats not hard. woof.