What is more fun to have a green or blue parakeet?

I really want a parakeet and I'm trying to convince my mom it's kind of working she said in a year maybe because we just got a puppy. But which one is more fun to have. Don't list your favorites please just facts.

    What is more fun to have a green or blue parakeet?

    I really want a parakeet and I'm trying to convince my mom it's kind of working she said in a year maybe because we just got a puppy. But which one is more fun to have. Don't list your favorites please just facts....
    Dogs Training Discussions : What is more fun to have a green or blue parakeet?...

    • What is more fun to have a green or blue parakeet?

      What is more fun to have a green or blue parakeet? Dogs Training Discussions
      I really want a parakeet and I'm trying to convince my mom it's kind of working she said in a year maybe because we just got a puppy. But which one is more fun to have. Don't list your favorites please just facts.

      What is more fun to have a green or blue parakeet?

      What is more fun to have a green or blue parakeet? Dogs Training Discussions
    • The colour doesn't make a difference to their personalities, the sex makes way more of a difference. There are so many colours of parakeet and you can find some fabulous ones even in the pet shops.If you want a lively, more cuddly one get a male, the females can be a bit more aggressive. You can only tell the sex of a parakeet by the colour of the cere (the fleshy, waxy bit above their beak). If its blue or purply blue its usually a male, if its really pale blue, tan or dark brown and flaky its a female. If they are baby ones it can be a lot harder to tell unless you have a lot of experience, but if its male it will be a deep pink and if its female it will be pale pink with white around the nostrils. It is very difficult to tell for the first time, so you may get it wrong.Of course, you can buy from a breeder instead and they can tell you the sex, but it might cost more.