Any tips on how to teach my dog how to do ticks?

I have a 5 months old American Pitbull Dog. I play with her every day. We follow the say routine everytime we play. She is kept on a leash. She is not allowed to run around the neighborhood. She knows and follows the routine very well. She has been doing…

    Any tips on how to teach my dog how to do ticks?

    I have a 5 months old American Pitbull Dog. I play with her every day. We follow the say routine everytime we play. She is kept on a leash. She is not allowed to run around the neighborhood. She knows and follows the routine very well. She has been doing…...
    Other Pet Discussions : Any tips on how to teach my dog how to do ticks?...

    • Any tips on how to teach my dog how to do ticks?

      Any tips on how to teach my dog how to do ticks? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 5 months old American Pitbull Dog. I play with her every day. We follow the say routine everytime we play. She is kept on a leash. She is not allowed to run around the neighborhood. She knows and follows the routine very well. She has been doing the same routine for 2 months now. I want to teach her how to fetch, that way she can run around the backyard more instead of chasing my cats or eating my floswers. I would also like to teach her how to sit. Any ideas on how to teach her these things?

      Any tips on how to teach my dog how to do ticks?

      Any tips on how to teach my dog how to do ticks? Other Pet Discussions
    • associate an action and a command with a trick. You can use any word and any action to envoke a command to do a trick. I used to say " bang" and make a gun with my finger. My dog would "play dead" and often die....dramatically. Try that. Positive reinforcement only. Be patient and do the training every day.

    • the best thing to do is actually to bribe him... dogs will do anything for a nice piece of meat... trust me, i have a golden retriever, she is the smartest, cutest, and the strongest dog you'll ever meet, and she is 10 yrs. old

    • Classical conditioning. Use lots of praise, treats, never yell or hit, don't discipline after the fact, dogs have virtually zero attention spans. When you see yourdog sit, in a splt second praise her and give her a treat while saying sit. If you're giving her a command and she doesn't listen simply ignore her until she does or lays down out of boredom. The most effective way to get your dog's attention while playing is to stop playing with it.

    • Sure, I have done this a few times. The "trick" Is to get some "Slim Jim's" dogs love those. First give a small piece so it can taste it, then pick up the paw and say "Shake" and give another little piece, keep doing that and EVERY time you have to say shake and it will get it thru word association. The same for sit, speak those are the easiest tricks to learn. It wont take long every time you grab it's paw and say the command and it gets a treat. Good luck. I taught my friend's Pit in about an hour.

    • I used something called a clicker. If you don't know what that is then you can get it at any petco or petsmart. When you see you dog is just about to go sit or lay down, grab the clicker and say sit and when he sits or does whatever trick you want him to do you click the clicker and give him a treat. it may not sound like it would work but it does! i have a golden retriever and she has learned every trick in less then 5 min. i swear! it really works!

    • Positive reinforcment is the best. Keep small chewy treats in your pocket. As soon as she does what you want reward her with the treat and give her lotss of praise. Do this repetatively and at least every day until she masters it.

    • umm i have 2 german shepherd i have trained them to sit stay lie down and speak.(bark) the trick is treats. if they do the slightest thing you want treat them. They'll learn to live to please. to make them sit wait till their calm and standing and then take a treat and move it towards the back of there body and they'll folow it with there head and they'll sit down.

    • First, Be patient. You have to understand that your dog cannot learn things in a snap. Just like you, you can't learn a different language in a second, you have to learn and along the way you will make mistakes. FETCH: If your dog doesn't fetch naturally, have an adult cut a slit in a tennis ball (a smaller, rubber ball if that is too big). Put some treats inside the tennis ball. Show your dog that there are treats in there, and give her one. Then, throw the ball. In the beginning, run with her and get the ball; then give her the treat. Soon you will be able to throw the ball and she will go get it (because she wants the treat!). TIP:After your dog has figured out what he has to do to get a treat, start throwing the ball two times in a row without giving him the treat. What you are trying to do is give him the treats less and less often so someday he won't need the treats in the ball to fetch it. Make sure its a treat you know thats safe. And make sure your pup doesn't swallow the tennis ball.Good luck! ^^ (P.S Try this if you like, I'm not sure if it will work but try if you want.) Congratz on your puppy too!

    • To teach "Sit".... Take a small treat and hold it in the closed fist of your hand, allow your dog to smell the treat and move your fist over his head towards his rear so that he has to raise his head and lean backwards... Keep saying "sit" as you are doing this and he should automatically sit as you make him lean back, As soon as he sits give him the treat and praise him.... Repeat, repeat.. if you have to encourage him to sit more, stand beside him and use your other hand to push on his rear while moving the treat hand over his head. Make sure to repeat using the same command consistently, in the same tone of voice. To teach "fetch"... First, have some small treats in your pocket.... Now that your dog knows how to sit, make him sit before you throw the ball. After he sits, throw the ball for him... when he gets it call him over to you (I assume he knows to come when called) when he comes to you tell him "sit" then grab on to the ball firmly and say "Drop" while holding a treat in your other closed fist near his nose where he can smell it.... he should drop the ball to get the treat, as soon as he does, give him a treat and praise him... then repeat the process again. If he drops the ball before he comes to you, go pick it up and start from the beginning except this time when you make him sit before throwing the ball, give him a treat as soon as he sits, then throw the ball again, this time after calling him meet him halfway before he drops the ball and trade the treat for the ball. Only reward him if he keeps the ball in his mouth until you take it away from him and throw it again, if he drops it dont reward him just start over, encouraging him to bring the ball all the way to you the next time.

    • Just say sit and gently press the dog's hind quarters down into a sitting position. Then immediately reward the dog. Food works great as a treat, but just praising the dog can work. My stubborn Shih Tzu learned in under 20 minutes. Also make the dog sit every time you feed her. Don't just give her food. Make her earn the food. This not only helps train her but reinforces that you are the pack leader.As for learning to fetch, the way my friend did it was to tie a string to the dog's collar. Throw the ball a short distance, then reel her in. Reward her and repeat.