How do I protect my dog from ticks?

I have tried Flea & Tick Shampoo as well as Advantage at the proper strength for my dog's weight both procedures with no success. I have also tried a flea & tick collar, also with no success.

    How do I protect my dog from ticks?

    I have tried Flea & Tick Shampoo as well as Advantage at the proper strength for my dog's weight both procedures with no success. I have also tried a flea & tick collar, also with no success....
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    • How do I protect my dog from ticks?

      How do I protect my dog from ticks? Other Pet Discussions
      I have tried Flea & Tick Shampoo as well as Advantage at the proper strength for my dog's weight both procedures with no success. I have also tried a flea & tick collar, also with no success.

      How do I protect my dog from ticks?

      How do I protect my dog from ticks? Other Pet Discussions
    • Try gettting rid of the fleas in your home. No matter how many applications you put on, if there are fleas in the house, they are going to breed in and around the house and keep jumping back on the dog. And, BTW, flea collars are a total waste of money, totally useless.

    • Flea and tick shampoos and collars will not protect a dog from ticks. Collars don't work period, and flea shampoo is good at just getting rid of the fleas that a dog has at the time.Advantage only protects against fleas. You need to use Advantix or Frontline Plus. And you also need to start spraying your house and yard for ticks as well if you are having a problem with them. It may take a while to completely get rid of the tick problem though.

    • If you live in an area that has tick infestation or near the woods try IVOMEC it is an injectable solution you can order it or find it at tractor supply. it will take about a month to 2 months to really see the results, but not only will your dog be tick free but you will get rid of any ticks in your yard, Some years ago I had moved into a part of town that was having so many ticks that the city declared it a quarantine area, I had 5 german shepherds at the time who got totally infested ,poor things a friend suggested Ivomec and the dosage, well after a month none had a single tick on them and not only that my yard was rid of the ticks while all around me you could see dogs with ticks. The ingredient in Ivomec is 1% Ivermectin (same ingredient in Heartguard, that vets prescribe but at a high cost) This bottle of Ivomec cost me $40 and lasted for a whole year injecting 5 dogs every month, that is a good deal.Dosage amounts:Large dog: 1/2 cc initial dose given at the scruff of the neck2 weeks later 1/2 cc same siteafter that 1cc every month and just keep the same dose every month.Small dogs:1/2 cc2 weeks later 1/2 ccafter every month 1/2 not vaccinate pregnant or nursing females.This method is alot safer than putting out insectide, dipping in dog tick solution,collars, or shampoos to your it runs in their blood system to which ticks cant smell the venom and thus will suck on ivomec running through the blood dry up and drop off no need to remove dead tick.The reason everything else fails is because ticks can live without a host for 10 yrs, so if a tick smells insecticide, shapoos, tick solution or anything on the ground they will drop of the dog and bury themselves "Until the danger passes" then they will reemerge and attach themselves with a vengeance to your dog, they will also reproduce while on the ground so that gives them a chance to reproduce, in other words everytime you put per say a tick solution on your dog your sending them on their honeymmon and they will return when the medicine wears off. Ivomec doesn't let them known your dog is being treated. ok hope I have helped several with this ugly pest.