What type of bug or animal eats ticks?

if there is one...cause my dog is like tick central with them all on his bodyif not a bug or something,what can I put in my yard to keep them away?

    What type of bug or animal eats ticks?

    if there is one...cause my dog is like tick central with them all on his bodyif not a bug or something,what can I put in my yard to keep them away?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What type of bug or animal eats ticks?...

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    • What type of bug or animal eats ticks?

      What type of bug or animal eats ticks? Other Pet Discussions
      if there is one...cause my dog is like tick central with them all on his bodyif not a bug or something,what can I put in my yard to keep them away?

      What type of bug or animal eats ticks?

      What type of bug or animal eats ticks? Other Pet Discussions
    • Guinea Fowl are the best tick-eaters on the planet - they are also loud, like to roost on things like ornamental trees and cars, and can fly, so this is not the best solution in-town. Most folks would find it easier (and cheaper and more effective) to simply treat the dog with something like Frontline or to manually remove the ticks as needed.

    • Spread Lime out before it rains. Those things won't be there to long. Don't let the dog get to close to the yard until it rains though. you need to trim away all the high grass around too. Ticks live in it.They have a pet control out for your dogs ticks too.

    • If you can have Guinea hens, chickens will also eat them. If you can't have birds running around the yard, then the best solution is treating the yard with Merit, and putting a Preventic collar on your dog, as well as some Frontline.