How to make a dog`s life more intresting?

My dog is 6 years old, and doesn`t seem to be moving as much, and looks pretty bored...

    How to make a dog`s life more intresting?

    My dog is 6 years old, and doesn`t seem to be moving as much, and looks pretty bored......
    General Dog Discussions : How to make a dog`s life more intresting?...

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    • How to make a dog`s life more intresting?

      How to make a dog`s life more intresting? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is 6 years old, and doesn`t seem to be moving as much, and looks pretty bored...

      How to make a dog`s life more intresting?

      How to make a dog`s life more intresting? General Dog Discussions
    • Some fun things to do for a dog would be going out for a walk/jog. They love being to get up and move around in a different envirnment from what they are used to. Another fun thing to do would be to go to a dog park to spend time with other dogs just like them. Play some tug a war or fetch with your dogs. You could also get him/her a playmate if you are really that interested in satisfiing your dog. Some people sign thier dogs up for therapy. Pretty much any dog can do it, its just where the dog goes to a hospital and loves all the patients!! Try teaching your old dog new tricks. My dog can jump up, sit, stay, dance, Howl, and i like asking her to do these things and then rewarding her for a job well done. My dog loves playing frisby and laying down in the kiddie pool at my house. The point is There are many things to get your dog up and moving I hope my list helps :)