What is the best dog to buy for children?

we are looking for a medium size dog for my 6 year old and 3 year old. We just bought 2 acres of land, and want to buy them a dog.

    What is the best dog to buy for children?

    we are looking for a medium size dog for my 6 year old and 3 year old. We just bought 2 acres of land, and want to buy them a dog....
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best dog to buy for children?...

    • With that big of a fenced yard, probably a lab or golden. Check out your local shelter or rescue group and save a dog's life!http://www.petfinder.com - click "Shelters and Rescue Groups" in the upper right.

    • It depends. Will this be an outside dog? What climate do you live in? We live in the Northeast and have a golden retriever. While he enjoys roaming outside, he does want to be with people and he will whine and moan until he comes inside when he's done playing. He needs a lot of attention from the family. Likes to go for car rides too. So... as an outside dog a retriever may not be your best bet. But as an inside pet, they are winners. Plus with the acreage, the dog will have the best of both worlds. Be forewarned though, they do retrieve and will bring you home a milleu of items. We've been blessed with deer carcasses and wild ducks he's retrieved.... They will need some training if you intend on keeping them on the homefront. Like I said, they do roam. Also, don't forget your local pound. You'd be surprised at some of the loving pets that can be found there and at a lot more reasonable cost than pure breds. If you do get a purebred, make sure it's from a reputable breeder. Most breeds have health issues of inbreeding associated with bad kennels and breeding practices.Best wishes on your new family member. Trust your instincts.

    • I know this is a large dog but I have been told that Greyhounds make excellent pets especially with kids! Even the little ones like you have. Surprisingly, they don't need as much space as some people think. Yes, a nice size yard is nice though. Also, labs, retrievers, irish setters also make good dogs and are good with children. You do have the space and yard for the dog to run so it shouldn't be a problem.As for medium size dogs, do some reserch on Basenjis. They are the size of a Beagle and are awesome with children. They would prefer to be around a child when they are in the room versus an adult! For this breed, if you do have any questions, just email me at [email protected]. I do own one and do know things about it.

    • Buy a dog for you, not for your children. They are too young to take care of it, and it is legally your responsibility, so be sure you want one too. I know nothing about your children, but I would also suggest that you are sure they are comfortable around dogs and know how to respect one. It's surprising how many families get a crazy puppy and find their children are afraid of it. I'd recommend getting a young adult dog so that you don't have too much on your plate with children and house breaking (which can make for a gross combination!).I would say avoid a herding breed. They have an instinct to herd anything that will move, and may be nippy. On top of that they are highly exciteable and very demanding in terms of keeping them occupied, and if you don't, you will pay for it in digging or other undesirable behaviours. I would also avoid any kind of guardian breed, as they have dominant tendencies that children may not be capable of managing. Labradors and goldens are excellent with children, but may be too much at a young age for children. I'm not sure how big you mean by medium. I have huge dogs so anything smaller than a retriever is small to me! Size is also no indication of energy level. I have a Bloodhound that hardly ever moves until it is time to go tracking. I don't believe there is a dog better with children than the retriever breeds (Newfoundland, Golden Retriever, Flat Coated Retriever, Chesapeake or Lab), but their size is often a problem. I have a Lab/Golden mix, often called a 'Blackened Retriever', and she has an extremely placid nature. She even sat still and let me remove something from her eye on one occasion. She has never growled, and is extremely playful. HOWEVER...when she is wild she is wild. She adores children but I am worried she might knock one over.Maybe an English Springer Spaniel would suit you. They are easy to train and very playful, but not large enough to cause too much havoc. Here is a link to read more about them. http://www.akc.org/breeds/english_springer_spaniel/index.cfmThe AKC website also has videos of each breed to see if you like the appearance of them. Brittany's are great too. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels also have a wonderful tolerant (as much as should be expected) and playful temperament, and make excellent family dogs. I don't like terriers much for children, as they can also be nippy/grab pant legs, and are very determined. Whichever breed you decide to get, be sure that you know as much as possible about the dog itself as well as the breed. 'Fashionable' breeds can often be the victim of overbreeding and therefore undesirable health and temperament characteristics, e.g Dalmatians, Goldens, Cocker Spaniels. In my experience, Dalmatians are horrible with children. Shelter dogs are great, but i'm not sure I would trust any strange grown dog with children that young. Make sure whatever you bring home, you never leave them alone together at such a young age. My best advice would be to go to a dog show if possible, talk with the breeders, and find out which would suit you and which you like. That way you will know what kind of mix you might like too if you don't necessarily want a purebred dog. Breeders have the best interests of their dogs at heart, and won't just tell you what you want to hear in order to sell a puppy.Good luck! I wish my parents had got a dog when I was young..but i'm making up for it now!

    • id recommend a border collie.mine is good with small children, and very protective.also a 2 acre yard will provide plenty of area for excercise if its fenced in.they can also make great gaurd dogs.mine interrogates everybody who comes to the door