How to prevent your dog from getting cancer?

I am very concerned about protecting my dog from cancer. He is 9 years old. My previous dog died of colon cancer at age 11 and I want to do everything possible to prevent such fate to my current dog. Please advise as this is a very big issue for me.…

    How to prevent your dog from getting cancer?

    I am very concerned about protecting my dog from cancer. He is 9 years old. My previous dog died of colon cancer at age 11 and I want to do everything possible to prevent such fate to my current dog. Please advise as this is a very big issue for me.…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to prevent your dog from getting cancer?...

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    • How to prevent your dog from getting cancer?

      How to prevent your dog from getting cancer? General Dog Discussions
      I am very concerned about protecting my dog from cancer. He is 9 years old. My previous dog died of colon cancer at age 11 and I want to do everything possible to prevent such fate to my current dog. Please advise as this is a very big issue for me. Thanks a lotvet does not take my concern seriously and changes topic when i ask. He says, "dog's health is good. congratulations"

      How to prevent your dog from getting cancer?

      How to prevent your dog from getting cancer? General Dog Discussions
    • My answer: Blue berries! The have cancer fighting antioxidants in them!! Just chunk a moderate amount in his food everyday :) I know somebody that fed their rat a blueberry a day and he lived to 9. most rats die from cancer at around 3. So thats my 2 cents! :) Good luck hun and smile on!