How can I keep my dogs from getting in the litterbox?

This has been an issue for several years. First, I adopted my cat when I was 7 years old, I'm now 18. Anyway, the cat is neutered and declawed. He got declawed before I knew that it was an issue. I was only 7 and didn't think any thing about it. A year…

    How can I keep my dogs from getting in the litterbox?

    This has been an issue for several years. First, I adopted my cat when I was 7 years old, I'm now 18. Anyway, the cat is neutered and declawed. He got declawed before I knew that it was an issue. I was only 7 and didn't think any thing about it. A year…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I keep my dogs from getting in the litterbox?...

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    • How can I keep my dogs from getting in the litterbox?

      How can I keep my dogs from getting in the litterbox? General Dog Discussions
      This has been an issue for several years. First, I adopted my cat when I was 7 years old, I'm now 18. Anyway, the cat is neutered and declawed. He got declawed before I knew that it was an issue. I was only 7 and didn't think any thing about it. A year or so after we got my cat my sister got a yorkie puppy. Keep in mind this was still years ago. He started eating the poop out of the box and my mom took action and threw the cat outside. I didn't think anything about it at the time and he stayed outside for a while. In the mean time we have 2 more inside dogs. Well, recently I have taken a stand and told my mom that the cat was staying inside from now on. It is completely cruel to keep him outside when he can't defend himself. Long story short, I brought the poor cat back inside and my dog (now 10 years old) still messes with the box and my 11 month old chihuahua is catching on too. It's driving me nuts. The box is in my bedroom, along with a hamster and 2 rabbits (which I love very much and that's irrelevant anyway lol) but I want to keep the dogs out of the box. The fancy self cleaning boxes are out of the question. I am broke beyond belief. I already pay for the food for all of my animals and everything else and I recently gave up my job due to the fact that I'm having medical issues and I am still in high school. Needless to say, if the problem isn't solved soon my mom will throw the cat out again since she isn't too fond of cats anyway. All of my animals are healthy, eat good quality food, and have regular vet check ups that I pitch in and pay for. They are all spayed and neutered, (besides my rabbits that will be fixed when income tax comes in and of course the hamster.. He lives alone lol). I know the yorkie ears it because it tastes good but he tracks it all over the house and my chihuahua likes to "play" with the poop. Also, it's hard to keep his box up high because he is so old and I'm afraid he will hurt himself jumping up high.

      How can I keep my dogs from getting in the litterbox?

      How can I keep my dogs from getting in the litterbox? General Dog Discussions
    • Get a short baby gate. Most older cats can still clear a knee high baby gate. Cats need to have a dog free zone anyways. Make your room totally his space where no dogs are allowed & put his food & water bowl in there, too. I'm sure he will appreciate it.

    • you can search for less expensive litter box covers like this one you can put the litter on a small table or shelf, use a cat tower for him to climb up. I agree about cats needing a safe place especially an older cat who will want quiet stress free time away from all the other animals.add - after looking at some of those litter box covers on amazon, you can make your own with a large enough carbboard box...just cut a hole in it big enough for your cat but not big enough for the dogs if possible..make it like this one with the hole up higher dogs won't want to get in there