Help! - Is it possible to teach my 10 year old yorki to use wee wee pads?

I used to live in california with good weather and a yard. I now live in Kentucky known for a lot of rain and am now in an apartment. It is not always possible to walk my dog ( not to mention he hates getting wet). I have relatives with small dogs in…

    Help! - Is it possible to teach my 10 year old yorki to use wee wee pads?

    I used to live in california with good weather and a yard. I now live in Kentucky known for a lot of rain and am now in an apartment. It is not always possible to walk my dog ( not to mention he hates getting wet). I have relatives with small dogs in…...
    General Dog Discussions : Help! - Is it possible to teach my 10 year old yorki to use wee wee pads?...

    • Help! - Is it possible to teach my 10 year old yorki to use wee wee pads?

      Help! - Is it possible to teach my 10 year old yorki to use wee wee pads? General Dog Discussions
      I used to live in california with good weather and a yard. I now live in Kentucky known for a lot of rain and am now in an apartment. It is not always possible to walk my dog ( not to mention he hates getting wet). I have relatives with small dogs in the area and all their dogs use Wee Wee Pads. How do I train my dog who has for 10 years used the outdoors to relieve himself, to now use Wee Wee Pads ( or any other indoor method)?

      Help! - Is it possible to teach my 10 year old yorki to use wee wee pads?

      Help! - Is it possible to teach my 10 year old yorki to use wee wee pads? General Dog Discussions
    • Although most dogs are trained to relieve themselves outdoors, it sometimes makes sense to teach your dog to have an indoor potty area. Generally, I recommend indoor potty training only for owners whose dogs will permanently be trained to go indoors, since it can be difficult to train your dog to go outside once he's been taught that he's supposed to go indoors. There are several options for creating an indoor potty area for your dog.

    • Place him in an indoor pen and place wee wee pads all over the floor. Then one by one take the wee wee pads out until there is only one left. From there being wee wee pads everywhere he will realize that's where he has to go potty.