Ways to Volunteer for an 11 Year Old Girl?

I'm 11 years old and I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!I want to volunteer,but with something that involves animals.And at my age,I don't know if anyone will trust me.But I have experience with small animals and dogs.So what are some things I can do?

    Ways to Volunteer for an 11 Year Old Girl?

    I'm 11 years old and I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!I want to volunteer,but with something that involves animals.And at my age,I don't know if anyone will trust me.But I have experience with small animals and dogs.So what are some things I can do?...
    General Dog Discussions : Ways to Volunteer for an 11 Year Old Girl?...

    • Ways to Volunteer for an 11 Year Old Girl?

      Ways to Volunteer for an 11 Year Old Girl? General Dog Discussions
      I'm 11 years old and I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!I want to volunteer,but with something that involves animals.And at my age,I don't know if anyone will trust me.But I have experience with small animals and dogs.So what are some things I can do?

      Ways to Volunteer for an 11 Year Old Girl?

      Ways to Volunteer for an 11 Year Old Girl? General Dog Discussions
    • My cousin about the same age, walks dogs around the neighborhood for neighbors, or watches dogs while they go out of town... if you have an animal yourself take it to a local nursing home, the elderly love seeing animals and younger children and would love your company, you can really learn alot from them if you just sit back and listen, or even a local pound could probably use your help with cleaning dogs, kennels, and ect... just look around ask around Im sure someone can hook you up, good luck

    • Yahoo! Answers requires you be at least 13 years old to participate in the site. While I personally don't care how old you are, I really wouldn't recommend making it known how old you are... you're begging to have your account deleted.Anyway... 11 years old... most shelters, etc... won't let you volunteer for liability reasons. You might be able to find someone who likes to live on the edge, but it's a long shot.I suggest harboring stray/injured/etc... animals (domestic and wild... albeit manageable wild animals, like pigeons, rats, etc... not raccoons and coyotes) and nurse them back to health then find new homes for them (if domestic) or release them (if wild). You can get them from shelters, from Craigs List (people looking to get rid of them or have them put to sleep aren't too uncommon), or if you see an injured/distressed animal while walking down the street, then help them out. It's what I always did (I've rescued many dogs, a few cats, a few pigeons, etc...)

    • There are some shelters that will allow you to walk dogs, play with cats, etc., as long as you are accompanied with an adult. Go to http://petfinder.com to find shelters in your area. I am a couple years older than you, and I volunteer regularly at a shelter. It is so much fun, so I hope you can find a shelter that you can volunteer at. Good luck!