How can I keep my horse from rushing befor and after a jump?

I've been jumping my thoroughbred mare for awhile and she is constantly pulling and running away after a jump. I had her jumping beautifully last summer we where doing 2ft6 at a nice steady canter but I have her a few month off and now its like she…

    How can I keep my horse from rushing befor and after a jump?

    I've been jumping my thoroughbred mare for awhile and she is constantly pulling and running away after a jump. I had her jumping beautifully last summer we where doing 2ft6 at a nice steady canter but I have her a few month off and now its like she…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I keep my horse from rushing befor and after a jump?...

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    • How can I keep my horse from rushing befor and after a jump?

      How can I keep my horse from rushing befor and after a jump? Other Pet Discussions
      I've been jumping my thoroughbred mare for awhile and she is constantly pulling and running away after a jump. I had her jumping beautifully last summer we where doing 2ft6 at a nice steady canter but I have her a few month off and now its like she forgot how to go slowworm than brake neck speed whenever we jump. I tried starting with ground poles and she even rushes those. As soon as her feet hit the ground landing from a jump her head goes up and she bolts.

      How can I keep my horse from rushing befor and after a jump?

      How can I keep my horse from rushing befor and after a jump? Other Pet Discussions
    • I had the exact same problem with my jumper. The first thing I tried was cantering upi to the jump but a little before slowing to a walk and in front of the jump you stop.Make sure your horse stands still and then let her over. keep doing this and gradually go up to trot and canter.Another technique I used was poles before and after the jumps so thehorse has no choice but to pay attention and slow down. I know both things worked for me so I hope they work for you :) Good Luck

    • Ok try this: canter up to the jump hen slow down and stop instead of jumping... try a couplee time then get back into the rhythmm of regular jumping(: hope I helped!