What types of fish are compatable with tetras in an aquarium?

I have a 20 Gal with four tetras in it two white ones with blue and pink coloration respectfully on top and two so called "poor mans bleeding heart" tetras. Just wondering what types of larger fish would get along well with them.

    What types of fish are compatable with tetras in an aquarium?

    I have a 20 Gal with four tetras in it two white ones with blue and pink coloration respectfully on top and two so called "poor mans bleeding heart" tetras. Just wondering what types of larger fish would get along well with them....
    Other Pet Discussions : What types of fish are compatable with tetras in an aquarium?...

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    • What types of fish are compatable with tetras in an aquarium?

      What types of fish are compatable with tetras in an aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 20 Gal with four tetras in it two white ones with blue and pink coloration respectfully on top and two so called "poor mans bleeding heart" tetras. Just wondering what types of larger fish would get along well with them.

      What types of fish are compatable with tetras in an aquarium?

      What types of fish are compatable with tetras in an aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
    • There's a huge variety of tetras redily availabe at most fish stores. Tetras do best with other tetras, but they also go very well with mollies, platys, barbs, catfish, algae eaters, loaches, guppies, african butterflies, red-finned sharks, rainbow sharks, gouramis. Pretty much any tropical community fish. Stay away from aggressive and semi-aggressive.

    • Almost all community fish will get along with tetras. Just make sure you have enough tank room and filter media.I would get some Danios (either leopard, or zebra), maybe some mollies, guppies, african dwarf frogs, bamboo shrimp, female betas, or anything else in the community section at your local pet store.

    • Any community tropical fish will get along well with Tetras. Keep in mind that you shouldn't get anything too large, as big fish will eat smaller fish, aggressive or not.Some suggestions are:Guppies, mollies, swordtails, platies, plecos, catfish, loaches (clown or dojo), gouramis.

    • I used to have gouramis, angelfish, swordtails, guppies, mollies, platys, even sometimes a Betta. I don't remember ever having trouble with folks not getting on together.

    • Tetras are school fish. So you want to get other fish that school. The best would be other tera fish. There are many different kinds and they all school. I do recomend getting more that one of each fish you buy. If tetras don't school, they become unhappy and depressed. You would only want to get fish around the same size of the ones you have now. You do not want to cause any agressiveness. It's just the safe way to go.

    • compatiable fish for tetras are mollies,silver sharks,corydoras,upside down catfish,bristlenose catfish, platys these shold be ok with tetras as this is want is in my tank with tetras

    • If you want something bigger that can go with them you should look into dwarf cichlids, if you are new to them I would start with Rams or Keyhole cichlids, just make sure to provide them with a hiding place (rocks, clay pots...) or two and they will get along great with your fish and they are beautiful.Hope this helps.