What would happen if I put a betta fish in a 60 gallon aquarium?

What would happen if I put a single (not agrresive, timid, boring) betta in a 60 gallon aquarium with 13 other fish?I just put him in! wish him life! haha

    What would happen if I put a betta fish in a 60 gallon aquarium?

    What would happen if I put a single (not agrresive, timid, boring) betta in a 60 gallon aquarium with 13 other fish?I just put him in! wish him life! haha...
    Other Pet Discussions : What would happen if I put a betta fish in a 60 gallon aquarium?...

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    • What would happen if I put a betta fish in a 60 gallon aquarium?

      What would happen if I put a betta fish in a 60 gallon aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
      What would happen if I put a single (not agrresive, timid, boring) betta in a 60 gallon aquarium with 13 other fish?I just put him in! wish him life! haha

      What would happen if I put a betta fish in a 60 gallon aquarium?

      What would happen if I put a betta fish in a 60 gallon aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
    • it depends.just because you think your betta is timid and boring doesn't mean he is.there are some fish a betta cannot get along with because they resemble other bettas, such as guppies.also some other fish do not like bettas, either because they are aggressive or territorial.

    • It depends on what the 13 other fish are. If they are just neon tetras, then they would all get along pretty well since 60 gallons is huge. But if the 13 fish are some large and aggressive fish such as cichlids, then it would not work out at all.http://bettacare101.com

    • it depends on what fish, water temptearature and quality. Beware because bettas can have little mood changes. A betta you think is timid and calm could become agressive or very active and hyper if you put him with other fish or a female or male of his breed. The size of the tank would only give him more to do, especially if there were lots of hiding paces and plants. A common misconception, bettas do not like small bowls.