How to I get my dog to quit peeing in the house?

I have a 5 month old chihuahua. He is pee pad trained. We've had problems with him peeing in our bathroom for a few months, and just recently in our computer room. Our vet said to just keep the doors shut and keep and eye on him. We did that for…

    How to I get my dog to quit peeing in the house?

    I have a 5 month old chihuahua. He is pee pad trained. We've had problems with him peeing in our bathroom for a few months, and just recently in our computer room. Our vet said to just keep the doors shut and keep and eye on him. We did that for…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How to I get my dog to quit peeing in the house?...

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    • How to I get my dog to quit peeing in the house?

      How to I get my dog to quit peeing in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 5 month old chihuahua. He is pee pad trained. We've had problems with him peeing in our bathroom for a few months, and just recently in our computer room. Our vet said to just keep the doors shut and keep and eye on him. We did that for about 2 months. I thought he was trained because he only went on his pad. We recently opened the doors back up and he immediately started peeing and pooping in those rooms again. We've cleaned the areas thoroughly, but it doesn't seem to stop him. Why does he do this, and will he ever stop?

      How to I get my dog to quit peeing in the house?

      How to I get my dog to quit peeing in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • We have a mini dachshund and she does the same thing. We were told by our vet that if she starts peeing anyone but on her pad to pick her up IMMEDIATELY even if in mid-pee and bring her to the mat. We usually say NO and she'll stop. We take her to the mat and that works. Good luck! Getting your dog to stop peeing and pooping on everything you own is quite the challenge.