How do i get my parents to allow me to have a vietnamese pot bellied pig?

My dad doesn't like them but my mom is allergic to all oher animals and I mean seriously allergic. she will DIE.P.S. im a vegetarian-- I Will NOT EAT IT!!!!!!!

    How do i get my parents to allow me to have a vietnamese pot bellied pig?

    My dad doesn't like them but my mom is allergic to all oher animals and I mean seriously allergic. she will DIE.P.S. im a vegetarian-- I Will NOT EAT IT!!!!!!!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do i get my parents to allow me to have a vietnamese pot bellied pig?...

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    • How do i get my parents to allow me to have a vietnamese pot bellied pig?

      How do i get my parents to allow me to have a vietnamese pot bellied pig? Other Pet Discussions
      My dad doesn't like them but my mom is allergic to all oher animals and I mean seriously allergic. she will DIE.P.S. im a vegetarian-- I Will NOT EAT IT!!!!!!!

      How do i get my parents to allow me to have a vietnamese pot bellied pig?

      How do i get my parents to allow me to have a vietnamese pot bellied pig? Other Pet Discussions
    • my kids had one when they were younger. lets just say no matter how clean you are and no matter how diligantly you bath and clean the pig and it's area a pig is a pig is a pig ! THEY STINK !!!!!!! they are smart but they can be such a pain !!! if mom is so allergic to all other pets I don't think I would try any pet until you move out and have a place of your own. I mean why risk it ? Good Luck !

    • I had one, they are very clean and can be litter trained as a baby, they do not have dander which is the allergen,and are very smart, just be sure you get a mini pig they come in 4 sizes.also do not shed like a dog or cat.thought mine was mini, was regular grew to 250pds.

    • You could take them to a breeders house and let them be around the animals to see if they like them.This is the best answer I could come up with since it is such a difficult question.At the breeders, your mom would show if she is allergic and your dad could see well trained piggy pets! Perhaps he would learn to love the mean adorable thingys!*wink* Just pulling your leg. I love 'em too!