How do cats do with multiple moves?

I have two cats. I adopted them when they were pretty young and they have been together since birth, brothers. I am getting ready to move to another state to begin school and then in another two years I will be moving again to finish this program. I am…

    How do cats do with multiple moves?

    I have two cats. I adopted them when they were pretty young and they have been together since birth, brothers. I am getting ready to move to another state to begin school and then in another two years I will be moving again to finish this program. I am…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do cats do with multiple moves?...

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    • How do cats do with multiple moves?

      How do cats do with multiple moves? Other Pet Discussions
      I have two cats. I adopted them when they were pretty young and they have been together since birth, brothers. I am getting ready to move to another state to begin school and then in another two years I will be moving again to finish this program. I am concerned about them handling my multiple moves. I am even more worried about trying to find them a good home. I am all they have known, and they have to stay together. Any recommendations on finding good homes or moving with cats?

      How do cats do with multiple moves?

      How do cats do with multiple moves? Other Pet Discussions
    • Cats are very versatile and flexible. The moves won't harm them. Rather, they may find it stimulating to explore new surroundings.My wife's cat has moved several times. But when he moved here, a house with a yard, he found his favorite place. Used to be when she would come to visit she would bring MOTH with her (that's his name). He eagerly got in the car to come here but fought hard not to go home. I'd say it was good for him.

    • you know is a really good site also do interviews and get refurals you can never be to sure about the person. or try to keep thyem in your family. cats r usually good with moves it just takes them a while to adjust as im sure you know.

    • I have 2 cats and have moved several times with them. One adjusts fairly quickly and well, while the other tends to be timid for about a month. Ultimately, no matter where you go, as long as you're there with them, they will be fine. I have a really huge carrier (actually, my carrier is for a dog), but I put them in there together when I need to cart them around. This may cut down on their stress if you can keep them together instead of separating them during your move.Bottom line is, all cats are different and will react differently. The trick is being the loving and understanding 'parent' you are and allow them to adjust on their own.

    • In the past I have found that upon arrival to new home, be sure cats stay indoors for the first couple weeks. Leave draperies open so cats can sit and look at surrounding area before they just bolt out into an unfamiliar place. Then just leave door open on nice day and let them go on their own, if theyre outside cats. Otherwise, they are game for most moving experiences as long as you consider their well being. 2 yrs. isnt considered moving too much, in my opinion. You are their world, bring along something familiar and comforting to them. Introduce them after you are mostly set up as well, less confusion.

    • I think they will be OK (just make sure to have something that they recognize the smell of from the old home with them).Cats do not like to have to change, but they will if necessary. Just be prepared for the transition period (they may get really upset and start to piddle on the rug~just use enzymatic or bacterial urine remover).

    • take them with you when you move. I have moved with my cat (8 years now) 4 times incl. to another city. She adjusted herself pretty easy, she only had to sniff to every corner aand ward - cupboard of the new house to leave her gland.

    • Definately take them with you. I have three cats and we have moved four times with them... the last move was across country. They will cling to each other and to you.. you are their security and the only thing they know in the new place. They will enjoy discovering the new place and will do better than you think.