What is the average lenght of time it takes for a cat to give birth?

My cat seems to be starting her birthing process, she has picked out her spot, doing a lot of cooing and heavy purring, like last time and just all in all acting funny. Any idea how much longer?

    What is the average lenght of time it takes for a cat to give birth?

    My cat seems to be starting her birthing process, she has picked out her spot, doing a lot of cooing and heavy purring, like last time and just all in all acting funny. Any idea how much longer?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the average lenght of time it takes for a cat to give birth?...

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    • What is the average lenght of time it takes for a cat to give birth?

      What is the average lenght of time it takes for a cat to give birth? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat seems to be starting her birthing process, she has picked out her spot, doing a lot of cooing and heavy purring, like last time and just all in all acting funny. Any idea how much longer?

      What is the average lenght of time it takes for a cat to give birth?

      What is the average lenght of time it takes for a cat to give birth? Other Pet Discussions
    • Heavy purring indicates that she's going into labor. My cat had all eight of her kittens within about 20 minutes. I don't know how she did it... she looked like a beach ball and it was only her first litter. Believe me, we had her spayed after that.

    • Actually the process can take from 3 hours to about 3 days at the longest!! Most cats have litters of between 3 to 6 kittens and each one is birthed seperately. The mother cleans each one after it passes out of the birth canal the remove the birth sac and start it's breathing. Most will take a few minutes to an hour between each kitten birthed, so don't assume she is done, till she is done!! tAKE CUES FROM MOMMY TO SEE IF SHE WOULD LIKE YOU NEAR TO HER AND TALKING TO HER IN A SOOTHING TONE, or if she attemps to move herself or kittens, it may be best to leave her alone for the process. There are very few occasions when cats are not successful in birthing alone. Usually it is with very young cats and their first litters, in which case you should observe whether or not she is cleaning the kittens properly. Try not to directly interfere or touch the kittens unnecessarily. Do not let other animals or people "crowd" in on her, cats are very private people and she will most likely try and relocate if too much is happening around her! Congradulations Grand ma!!

    • It will vary depending on just how many kittens she will have. from the first birth to the last will probably be just a few +hours. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++check on her alot to offer your support and tekll her how beautiful each kitten is. I have heard of de+livery taking up to even 24 hrs. ++G+OOD LUCK AND CONGRATS