What temperature should I keep my fish tank at?

6 Gallon tank, temperature in Fahrenheit please.I'm yet to buy the fish, but I am cycling it to prepare it.

    What temperature should I keep my fish tank at?

    6 Gallon tank, temperature in Fahrenheit please.I'm yet to buy the fish, but I am cycling it to prepare it....
    Other Pet Discussions : What temperature should I keep my fish tank at?...

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    • What temperature should I keep my fish tank at?

      What temperature should I keep my fish tank at? Other Pet Discussions
      6 Gallon tank, temperature in Fahrenheit please.I'm yet to buy the fish, but I am cycling it to prepare it.

      What temperature should I keep my fish tank at?

      What temperature should I keep my fish tank at? Other Pet Discussions
    • stolen from the website below. The temperature is dependant on the type of fish (and make sure you don't mix fish that have different temperature/ water needs)Temperature is a very important part of a fish's environment. Improper temperatures can adversely affect a fish's health. High temperatures reduce the amount of oxygen in the water, reducing tank capacity. It is important to consult an aquarium book to determine the temperature range of the fish you are keeping. In general, goldfish and native fishes prefer cooler temperatures: no more than 75 F and they may tolerate temperatures just above freezing. Tropical fish prefer temperatures over 75 F and 80-85 F are preferable for many species. Heaters can be used to provide temperatures above room temperature. It may be necessary to keep fish in a cold room or area if lower temperatures are needed. Temperature is monitored using any of a number of available thermometers.

    • Really depends on the type of fish..If their fresh water like neons or tetras then about 78 if their mollies or the heartier group fish they like it warmer, around 82...

    • ha ha nooo not 120 degrees unless you want to eat them like shrimp, depends on the fish, some are more tropical and need it warmer,most fish are around 70-77. the fish store will know, and be sure you pick fish that generally like the same temp.

    • goldfish prefer 60degrees to room temp 70's. anything more than that your looking at them getting sick alot. tropical fish range 76-78 ish degrees, with discus around 80-85 degrees. some fish that are minnows like white clouds prefer the same temp as goldfish but will still do well in warmer tanks. P.S a tank doesnt start cycling until you put a fish in it, there are benefical bacteria that begin to form from the waste of the fish, they accually eat the ammonia and break it down in to less toxic forms i.e. nitrite and nitrates. YOu need to purchase some hardy species to begin your cycle which takes a full month.

    • The best way is to go to reputable fish store and when you buy the fish ask the sales person different fish need different temps. You should also ask what fish can live with what fish are there specific reqs like aquarium size or special water reqs and food types just talk to the people and they should help you if they don't want to talk to you go somewhere else fish are live beings and sometimes they need special treatment to be healthy

    • It will depend upon the type fish you want to have in the tank. the average temperature, for instance, for Platys or Mollys is between 68 and 72 degrees for the best results. These fish will survive nicely if the temp is a couple of degrees off either way, but they are most likely to mate and to multiply at the optimum temp that I suggest.