How can you discipline a cat without swatting them?

My cat likes scratching at the bottom of the door to get into a room, thus scratching at the carpet. She also jumps on the kitchen counter. Not good. She recently also has started jumping up onto the blinds. I really have no idea why. Just wondering what…

    How can you discipline a cat without swatting them?

    My cat likes scratching at the bottom of the door to get into a room, thus scratching at the carpet. She also jumps on the kitchen counter. Not good. She recently also has started jumping up onto the blinds. I really have no idea why. Just wondering what…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can you discipline a cat without swatting them?...

    • get one of those supersoaker water guns. I have a bad bad cat, i love her, but she is bad! the water gun is funner to squirt her with than a spray bottle. ha ha ha take that bad kitty!!!

    • i agree with all the others-a spray bottle might work (it never worked for one of my cats though, she always kept doing the same thing)is she spayed? also has anything in the household changed recently? cat's are very perceptive to even little changes.(just to let you know)