How do I stop my cats from pooping everywhere?

I have 2 adult cats that pooped in their own litterboxes for years. Within the last year and a half, they have started regularly pooping in different places in the house. We never moved the boxes and we have tried a lot of suggestions and also have…

    How do I stop my cats from pooping everywhere?

    I have 2 adult cats that pooped in their own litterboxes for years. Within the last year and a half, they have started regularly pooping in different places in the house. We never moved the boxes and we have tried a lot of suggestions and also have…...
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    • How do I stop my cats from pooping everywhere?

      How do I stop my cats from pooping everywhere? Other Pet Discussions
      I have 2 adult cats that pooped in their own litterboxes for years. Within the last year and a half, they have started regularly pooping in different places in the house. We never moved the boxes and we have tried a lot of suggestions and also have blocked off rooms that they normally poop in. How can we get them to go in their litterboxes like they used to?

      How do I stop my cats from pooping everywhere?

      How do I stop my cats from pooping everywhere? Other Pet Discussions
    • Try rewarding them when they do go in their boxes and try retraining them. They might be getting old and need reminding.If that doesn't work, consult a vet, because that isn't normal behaviour.

    • You havent said if they were boys or girls. Its usually the boys that have this issue.. If so.. then check into getting them neutered. Also, has anything upset them terribly during this time? change in foods? The neutering/spaying thing does help with some problems. Have you tried changing liter?

    • First of all, irregular pooping could be a sign that your cats are ill. You might want to get them checked out at the vet. Make sure they're eating regularly, and they're eating right. It's bad when cats start missing the litter box when they use the bathroom, not to mention using different areas entirely.However, getting to the point, whenever you catch them using a different area, move them into the litter box immediately. This will give them the message to use the box instead of the area.You might want to consider moving it to a different location. If your cats are not ill, they could be perturbed by the location. They might have recently been given a spook near there, and are avoiding the place. Move it somewhere move accessible, and keep them around the area so they know exactly where it is.Also, don't change the brands of litter you use. Cats can be extremely picky, and will not tolerate certain changes, like brands of litter. If you've changed that in the past year and a half, go back to the kind you first started with.If all else fails, you should seek advice from a professional. If you haven't spoken to your vet, do. If you already have, keep persisting that he/she gives you more advice. You shouldn't have to tolerate this from your cats.Good luck, hope this information is helpful to you.

    • it could be a power struggle. like one is overwhelming the other and the litter box has alot of specific smells that only animals can detect and the other is afraid of the smells

    • If you think the cat may be sick then take the cat to the vet. My cat started pooping on my bed on time, every time he some how got into the bedroom he would poop on the I would get so mad, and one day I took his little face and pushed it in the poop. He NEVER did it again. Just like you teach a dog not to pee in the house, cats can be trained to. He might be asking for attention. My cat was doing it because he was greeving from the loss of his play mate, you can only poop the bed so much lmao. Hope I helped =D