What kind of dog is good with families and cats?

I'm looking for a dog that is good with cats and kids. Will any <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/9-dog-breed/?s=9e58c03e54fef8e4d4a25e224750a3537c3558fe">dog breed</a> do this if they are raised up with them in their surroundings?

    What kind of dog is good with families and cats?

    I'm looking for a dog that is good with cats and kids. Will any <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/9-dog-breed/?s=9e58c03e54fef8e4d4a25e224750a3537c3558fe">dog breed</a> do this if they are raised up with them in their surroundings?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What kind of dog is good with families and cats?...

    • What kind of dog is good with families and cats?

      What kind of dog is good with families and cats? Other Pet Discussions
      I'm looking for a dog that is good with cats and kids. Will any dog breed do this if they are raised up with them in their surroundings?

      What kind of dog is good with families and cats?

      What kind of dog is good with families and cats? Other Pet Discussions
    • yea just about any breeds except for tha aggressive breeds. i suggest a shih zhu(however u spell that) they r great wuth kids and very playful and easy to maintain

    • Just look for a mellow dog. Labs are always good dogs. Newfoundlands are wonderful dogs though. I had a newfoundland awhile ago and he was the most loyal and laid back dog ever. I can honestly say their only downfall is the massive amounts of hair they leave around the house. But honestly, I would take the hair any day to own one of these dogs again. They're the most loving dogs and wouldn't hurt a fly, must less a cat.

    • A dog.Any dog, if raised from puppyhood, can fit into any family. There are, of course, some breeds more suited toward certain situations than others.For example, a German Shepherd would be more likely to be a good family pet and good with cats than a Siberian Husky, who is just as likely to be a good family pet but much more likely to hurt or kill the cats.Just find a breed you like the look of, matches your energy level, and sounds like a good fit for your family.

    • Labrador retriever for sure when i was a baby we got one and i use to lay on him and pull his tall and he just sat that not a peep and very easy to train usually but if u get a puppy u need to train him/her so that they will be good and we had a cat and they slept together and the cat rubbed all over him and they were bffs no joke but if u get a lab u need to give him daily exercise dog ark, walks if u have a yard then play with him/her and this bread is very genital btw do some more research for more infogood luck

    • The best family dog breeds are the Pug, Newfoundland, Staffordshire bull terrier, Labrador retriever, Keeshond, & Golden retrieverCats and dogs don't get along because of different body language, so when a cat is purring, a dog thinks it's growling and takes it as a sign of hostility. The same happens when a dog wags its tail in happiness, to a cat that means stress and danger.Sometimes it is impossible to bond the two but try looking at Petsmart for some obedience classes. I'm sure a little bit of training will do the trickEdit: Puppies are easier to train than older dogs so keep this in mind and good luck.

    • Any breed of dog can be great with families and cats, it just depends on how you raise it, and the way you discipline and train it. I have a cockapoo, (3 quarters poodle, one quarter cocker spaniel) and she is great with everybody; extremely friendly and gets along great with my cat too. Ever since we got her, she didn't get away with anything bad, was trained from the start, was well disciplined but also well loved. It does not depend on the breed of dog at all, it depends on you completely. One thing to be careful of, is to make sure your dog knows that he/she IS a dog, dont let them make you their pet, it's not good for an animal to have a feeling of authority at all, they need to know their place. When picking a pet, any pet, the runt of the litter is usually the best choice, not the biggest. The biggest ones have the "I'm bigger and stronger, so I'm in charge" attitude from a baby, because the learn how to shove their way around the rest of the litter, like they will do to you. My cat was the runt of the litter, as was my dog, and they both have the best disposition ever, and are well loved and love us back. A great way to teach dogs their place in the house, is training it how to go for walks. That may sound stupid, but if you let your dog walk you, it will always feel that way on or off the leash. One of the first things you should train a dog is to walk beside you when you walk it and not to pull on the leash. Don't go out buying a choker collar with spikes and expect it to do all the work because "It has spikes so when the dog pulls it chokes/hurts itself and won't do it anymore," but it counts on your more than the collar.