How to clean a stubborn fishtank?

I have a fishtank that hasn't been used in a while and unfortunately I neglected to get the little water and all the sand out until a couple of days ago. Ive heard that to clean a fishtank avoid using any contemparary household clean detergents. This…

    How to clean a stubborn fishtank?

    I have a fishtank that hasn't been used in a while and unfortunately I neglected to get the little water and all the sand out until a couple of days ago. Ive heard that to clean a fishtank avoid using any contemparary household clean detergents. This…...
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    • How to clean a stubborn fishtank?

      How to clean a stubborn fishtank? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a fishtank that hasn't been used in a while and unfortunately I neglected to get the little water and all the sand out until a couple of days ago. Ive heard that to clean a fishtank avoid using any contemparary household clean detergents. This "gunk" (dried sand) on the glass is tough to remove. I promise this time I'll take care of my tank- I just need an opportunity to a second chance.

      How to clean a stubborn fishtank?

      How to clean a stubborn fishtank? Other Pet Discussions
    • HiWe have used Bi-Carb of Soda with excellent results. Sprinkle the bi-carb over the affected areas and scrub with a soft scourer. Be liberal with the bi-carb. Once clean all you need to do is give it a quick rinse and it's all done.

    • vinegar is harmless... for real stubborn mineral stains, let it soak on the edges and use a good plastic scraper. Do not use anything abrasive as it will scratch the glass.It took for a whole day and some to scrape out an used 135G tank I bought. Cheers

    • Let it sit with water in it. Don't use unnecessary chemicals it is a risk you don't need to take. If after a day of sitting in water the stuff still won't come off then don't worry about it (I'm assuming this is small patches). Throw new gravel or sand on it and start cycling your tank. As long as you know it is stuff that was in your tank before then it isn't a big deal.