What should i expect from my horse when she goes into foal?

My horse, Ultra, is very large shes half arab and half shire so shes big. I am planing to breed her but i dont know anything about it could you give me some tips or advice?

    What should i expect from my horse when she goes into foal?

    My horse, Ultra, is very large shes half arab and half shire so shes big. I am planing to breed her but i dont know anything about it could you give me some tips or advice?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What should i expect from my horse when she goes into foal?...

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    • What should i expect from my horse when she goes into foal?

      What should i expect from my horse when she goes into foal? Other Pet Discussions
      My horse, Ultra, is very large shes half arab and half shire so shes big. I am planing to breed her but i dont know anything about it could you give me some tips or advice?

      What should i expect from my horse when she goes into foal?

      What should i expect from my horse when she goes into foal? Other Pet Discussions
    • my advice,dont breed. adopt a foal if u have too. there are so many horses going to slaughter rite now, and rescues are all full. my local rescue has to find homes for 23 horses in the next month. (a rescue has to be rescued) if you still breed, look up as much as you can on the internet, buy books, go to the library, talk to other experianced people, talk to your vet. find out as much as you can before you breed.

    • She sounds beautiful! well to be honest horses pregnancy is pretty straight forward. once they have been send to the stallion to be "covered" she should just come back home and be treated as normal for most of the time. the duration period (how long from being covered to giving birth) is about 11 months (but 2 weeks either side of that is normal) mares can still be ridden safely during the first 3 - 4 months while they are in foal (though nearer the 4 months you should be doing light work, and if you do ride her when she is in foal you must be very gentle and understanding for her moods - they can change quickly!) a week or two before she gives birth she will start to drip milk from her udder (you can sometimes see the drips/drizzles on the grass/stable floor) she should be kept outside as much as possible while she is pregnant as it is more natural (if the weather is bad or she is normally stable kept, this is fine too as long as she has a deep bed every day and does get to go in the field preferably once each day even if just for a couple of hours) When it comes to her foaling, she can either be left in the field or in the stable (it is generally your choice and remember too keep an eye on the weather!) obviously if she decides to have her foal while she is either in or out, that is her choice (horses can pretty much chose when to give birth in the last month of their pregnancy!) so if she has it while she is in/out she is obviously happy there - if she is in (or if she is bought in to have it) giver her a VERY deep bed and push the straw or what ever bedding you have high against the walls to prevent the foal being injured (as the mare will often stand to give birth) you can chose to either keep the mare and foal stabled for the first week or so, or you can keep them in the field (with shelter) or both if you like. the mare can often become very protective of her foal but when it is a few weeks old it will become more adventurous anyway and she will relax about people or other horses being near her. (at first is is best to either keep her alone with her foal or with another mare who has a foal (or with a pony/horse you KNOW is well mannered and relaxed and who gets on with your mare) the foal can be weaned from it's mum when it is 6-9 months old and for this you simply take the foal from his/her mother and keep them apart from a few months - this may seem harsh but it is the only way and all foals have to have this done.i hope this helps and if you have any other questions please email me at - [email protected]=) xx