How often do you feed a 5 week old kitten formula and how much?

We just rescued a kitten about 5 weeks old and we have no idea how much to feed her or how often. Thanks!

    How often do you feed a 5 week old kitten formula and how much?

    We just rescued a kitten about 5 weeks old and we have no idea how much to feed her or how often. Thanks!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How often do you feed a 5 week old kitten formula and how much?...

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    • How often do you feed a 5 week old kitten formula and how much?

      How often do you feed a 5 week old kitten formula and how much? Other Pet Discussions
      We just rescued a kitten about 5 weeks old and we have no idea how much to feed her or how often. Thanks!

      How often do you feed a 5 week old kitten formula and how much?

      How often do you feed a 5 week old kitten formula and how much? Other Pet Discussions
    • if you bought a formula bottle either liquid or powder, you will find the instructions in there.I used to feed them every 2 hours and used a marked feeding bottle. And thanks for been a rescuer of animals

    • The kitten really should be on canned food by now. For kittens that I have had in the past, the normal amount of time would be every two hours. When I have had kittens at my home, they start eating canned food at about 4 weeks, so I would start to switch them over to that. And for the second comment: That's birds.