Whats the best and fastest way to start bonding with a new and mean bird?

I haven't really handled her yet, but I want her to like me. It's just when I take her out she bites the crap out of me and tries to fly away, the people at the pet store I guess never gave her any attention. How do I get her to start liking me?

    Whats the best and fastest way to start bonding with a new and mean bird?

    I haven't really handled her yet, but I want her to like me. It's just when I take her out she bites the crap out of me and tries to fly away, the people at the pet store I guess never gave her any attention. How do I get her to start liking me?...
    Other Pet Discussions : Whats the best and fastest way to start bonding with a new and mean bird?...

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    • Whats the best and fastest way to start bonding with a new and mean bird?

      Whats the best and fastest way to start bonding with a new and mean bird? Other Pet Discussions
      I haven't really handled her yet, but I want her to like me. It's just when I take her out she bites the crap out of me and tries to fly away, the people at the pet store I guess never gave her any attention. How do I get her to start liking me?

      Whats the best and fastest way to start bonding with a new and mean bird?

      Whats the best and fastest way to start bonding with a new and mean bird? Other Pet Discussions
    • haha i've had birds ever since i was like six years old. first things first: did you get her wings clipped? if not, do so because you don't want people around the house screaming and dunking to avoid getting clawed by your new bird, lol. don't worry, it shouldn't be expensive. they should do bird clippings at some pet stores and bird stores (is there a store called Bird Crazy near you?)as having this bird new into the home, you will want to wear rubber gloves or use a face towel to hold your bird and avoid getting bit. if your bird ends up on the floor and running around, here's a good technique: sneak up behind your bird and throw a towel over him/her. by then you will be able to grab the bird with the towel still over him/her.make sure to keep petting your bird, whistling, and making kissy noises to it to let it know you're not a bad guy. after a few days you should be able to let your bird stand on your index finger (i suggest you still wear gloves at this point) and get him/her used to it. if your bird is still biting, flick its beak and they should stop soon. continue to pet and rub its neck (they love that) with your finger and soon your bird will get used to you and you'll have no problem :D

    • First, stop forcing her out of the cage for now. That does not build trust. There is nothing fast in training/taming a bird. It will take time. Start by sitting near the cage and reading out loud to her. Then, when she is comfortable, give treats at the door of the cage, let her come to you for the treats. When that is going well, start teaching her to step-up inside the cage.Then and only then can you start working with her outside the cage without traumatizing her. For more training and taming tips, see the site linked in my profile.

    • Christie's right. You need her to trust you *before* you take her out of the cage. She isn't being "mean", she's just very frightened of you, and when you act forcefully she takes that as aggression on your part. In her mind, *you're* the one who's being mean! Can you imagine if your new, shady-looking neighbor decided to try to "befriend" you by barging into your home and bodily dragging you out of the house? You wouldn't trust them much after that, huh? Now imagine if said neighbor was eight times your size. That's what you look like to your bird.