What kind of catfish can i put in a tank together?

I want a take with different types of catfish, but i am not sure if all kinds of catfish get along. Do you have any suggestions on what kind catfish i should get?

    What kind of catfish can i put in a tank together?

    I want a take with different types of catfish, but i am not sure if all kinds of catfish get along. Do you have any suggestions on what kind catfish i should get?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What kind of catfish can i put in a tank together?...

    • What kind of catfish can i put in a tank together?

      What kind of catfish can i put in a tank together? Other Pet Discussions
      I want a take with different types of catfish, but i am not sure if all kinds of catfish get along. Do you have any suggestions on what kind catfish i should get?

      What kind of catfish can i put in a tank together?

      What kind of catfish can i put in a tank together? Other Pet Discussions
    • persistently im a Cory catfish guy i have 12 of them i breed them but they do well with Ghost catfish aka x-ray fish as long as u make sure there is enough algae in there for them to eat the corys will be harmless.

    • Cory catfish don't eat algae, but they are a good peaceful community fish. There are many different species of them, and as long as you have 3 of each species and at least 4 individuals in the tank, they will school together. If you have less than 4, they are unhappy. Most varieties stay under 2.5", but you should have at least a 20 gallon tank.Plecos eat algae, but most varieties get very large (some get over 2 feet), and many will not tolerate others of their species. Unless you have a large tank, and research specific species, I do not suggest getting any.Oto cats also eat algae, but they stay very little. They require high water quality and high oxygen levels. They need to be kept in groups of 3 or more. A group of 3 could be kept in a 10 gallon tank with a minimal (1-3) amount of other small fish, like a platy.Eclipse catfish get very large and are rather predatory, so they will eat anything smaller than them.Raphaels come in both a striped and a spotted variety. You can keep more than one together, however, they must be the same size. Larger ones will eat smaller ones, and they will eat other fish that are smaller than them.Cories get along with otos, but plecos will probably be aggressive towards otos. If you have a community tank, I recommend getting some cories and otos. That way you will have an algae eater in addition to a fish that might eat some of the leftover food from your other fish. Otos require a sinking algae wafer, and cories should also be fed some kind of sinking catfish pellet.