What can cause itchy red lesions on a dog?

My dog has chicken pock-likes marks all over his body. Vet just said allergies. Can it be mites?Thanks. He has hydrocortizone pills, just started the Omega 3 vitamin E tabs and oatmeal cream rinse. Seems to be getting worse. Started afew months ago…

    What can cause itchy red lesions on a dog?

    My dog has chicken pock-likes marks all over his body. Vet just said allergies. Can it be mites?Thanks. He has hydrocortizone pills, just started the Omega 3 vitamin E tabs and oatmeal cream rinse. Seems to be getting worse. Started afew months ago…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What can cause itchy red lesions on a dog?...

    • What can cause itchy red lesions on a dog?

      What can cause itchy red lesions on a dog? Other Pet Discussions
      My dog has chicken pock-likes marks all over his body. Vet just said allergies. Can it be mites?Thanks. He has hydrocortizone pills, just started the Omega 3 vitamin E tabs and oatmeal cream rinse. Seems to be getting worse. Started afew months ago after returing from a dirty lakehouse. He had a tick, although on prevention meds! No harm as it was not on him long enough.

      What can cause itchy red lesions on a dog?

      What can cause itchy red lesions on a dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • As a pet owner that has a dog that has allergies, and has had mites, it sounds like allergies. Your vet will do a skin scraping if she suspects mites- but when mites are present fur goes missing and they will have bald spots, not usually red bumps. What your dog has sounds like skin allergies. They have good medications for allergies now, but it's really trial and error as to which will work for each partictular dog- so just hang in there til you find the right one. Good Luck.

    • It could be your dog is allergic to flea bites or some other kind of bite. We had that with our chocolate Lab a few years ago and they ended up giving her some kind of cortisone shot to give her some relief. Good luck!

    • It could be a food allergy. Many dogs are allergic to corn & other fillers used in many brands of dog food & develop lesions as you describe. Most grocery store brands of dog food contain fillers. Try switching to Wellness, Solid Gold or another brand of high quality kibble to see if it helps (both of these can be found at Petco stores or Petco.com). You could request samples or coupons from the company websites before taking the plunge, as well.Also, Petco has a buy 10 get 1 free rewards program through their P.A.L.S. program where if you buy 10 bags of a food, you get your 11th completely free.