How do worms get transferred into humans?

I know they pass through the colon. Should I go to the doctor, because I think my puppy has worms, and she has licked my face, and a couple times even licked my lips before I could back away. HELP!

    How do worms get transferred into humans?

    I know they pass through the colon. Should I go to the doctor, because I think my puppy has worms, and she has licked my face, and a couple times even licked my lips before I could back away. HELP!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do worms get transferred into humans?...

    • How do worms get transferred into humans?

      How do worms get transferred into humans? Other Pet Discussions
      I know they pass through the colon. Should I go to the doctor, because I think my puppy has worms, and she has licked my face, and a couple times even licked my lips before I could back away. HELP!

      How do worms get transferred into humans?

      How do worms get transferred into humans? Other Pet Discussions
    • Usually humans get worms by eating uncooked foods like pork.You cannot get them from the love licks of a puppy! So, cheer up, and if you did you could take some medicine and they would die.We all have some types of disgusting organisms living in all of us. So don't happy!

    • Worms lay eggs which can be sneezed out or breathed in(airborne), in saliva, on the ground, in faeces etcIt is best to worm your puppy and your family at the same time and clean all your bedding and floors where the puppy and family hangout and sleep.

    • Both my vet and my biology professor told me that each species (ex. dogs, cats, humans, etc..) has its own kind of worm specific to that species. You can't get a worm from your dog. Even if you accidently swallow one of her worms, you'll just digest it, it can't affect you the same way it affects your puppy.Don't worry! :) You're fine!

    • There are some worms that can pass to humans. Licking should not do it. You would need to be in contact with the fecal matter, not wash hands, and put in mouth. Another way is to step in fecal matter, hook can bore through the skin. Before you get worried, take a stool sample to the vet. He will check for worms and can advise you further.

    • no you would have to injest one of the eggs or worms themselves. you can get pinworms common in humans from the soil. putting your hands in your mouth. ive worked around thousands of animals and have never,,,, received worms or anything else, just practice good hygeine, wash your hands, and if you think he has worms , take him to the vet and they will worm him. he he your ok. relax.