I am seaching for a fish for algae control in a brackish aquarium?

I've found some information on brackish tanks, but I haven't had much luck finding specifics about algae control for them. Any suggestions or even some other general information on brackish tanks would be helpfull. I've found a few sites, but maybe…

    I am seaching for a fish for algae control in a brackish aquarium?

    I've found some information on brackish tanks, but I haven't had much luck finding specifics about algae control for them. Any suggestions or even some other general information on brackish tanks would be helpfull. I've found a few sites, but maybe…...
    Other Pet Discussions : I am seaching for a fish for algae control in a brackish aquarium?...

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    • I am seaching for a fish for algae control in a brackish aquarium?

      I am seaching for a fish for algae control in a brackish aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
      I've found some information on brackish tanks, but I haven't had much luck finding specifics about algae control for them. Any suggestions or even some other general information on brackish tanks would be helpfull. I've found a few sites, but maybe someone out there has some others that I might have missed.I have tried acclimating plecos to the brackish, but none have survived more than a couple of months.Snails won't work. Besides the salt, the puffers I have in there think they are dinner.

      I am seaching for a fish for algae control in a brackish aquarium?

      I am seaching for a fish for algae control in a brackish aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
    • The only fish I have heard of to use in a brackish tank to eat algae is the common sleeper goby (Dormiator maculatus). But they dont do well with the more aggressive tank mates, they usually tend to get picked on which can cause stress and maybe death.Don't use snails. Salt is used to kill snails so they wouldn't do so well in a brackish tank.

    • I have a brackish aquarium, with a figure-8 puffer and an electric blue crayfish in it. I use a pleco (plecostomus) as my algae control, but I had to make sure the pleco was big enough that the crayfish didn't eat him when I put him in. :D Pleco's are very resilient fish - I would probably recommend "conditioning" the fish before you put it straight into brackish - put it in another tank or bowl for a week or so, slowly adding small amounts of salt to its water....then it won't be a huge shock to its system when you drop it in the brackish water.

    • the plecostomus is the way to go! you can buy some small ones that you put into an aquarium, or you can buy HUGE ones that you can put into a brackish pond. they're very interesting looking and are great to watch. some even come and suck on your hand.*dragonashes~serpentwolf*

    • Algae eater only work to a point because the tank will have left over food from feeding which they find more tasty. Need to get a few big one may solve the problem.