How do you keep your cat from peeing on things?

I just moved about 3 weeks ago and my 2year female old cat is picking up this habbit of peeing in my laundry basket. i clean her box daily, and do laundry about every 2-3 days. i've tried locking her out of my closet, but i'm afraid that she'll do it to…

    How do you keep your cat from peeing on things?

    I just moved about 3 weeks ago and my 2year female old cat is picking up this habbit of peeing in my laundry basket. i clean her box daily, and do laundry about every 2-3 days. i've tried locking her out of my closet, but i'm afraid that she'll do it to…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you keep your cat from peeing on things?...

    • How do you keep your cat from peeing on things?

      How do you keep your cat from peeing on things? Other Pet Discussions
      I just moved about 3 weeks ago and my 2year female old cat is picking up this habbit of peeing in my laundry basket. i clean her box daily, and do laundry about every 2-3 days. i've tried locking her out of my closet, but i'm afraid that she'll do it to my room mate if i keep doing that. my other 6year male old cat doesn't do this just a phase, or is something wrong with her.both cats are fixed, she's not in heat. and we live in an apartment so i can't put her outside

      How do you keep your cat from peeing on things?

      How do you keep your cat from peeing on things? Other Pet Discussions
    • Sometimes cats "act out" after a big change like moving takes place. Keep things around her that smell like your old place. If she continues to pee in the laundry basket, I would take her to the vet and make sure she doesn't have a urinary tract infection. When they have an infection, they associate the litter box with the pain and they pee elsewhere. Hope this helps!

    • There are several reasons she may be peeing on things. First of all, when you moved, did you show her where the litter box was? This is done by placing her in the new litter box. Secondly (& probably more likely), the stress of the move may have caused her to develop a bladdar infection. One of my cats has this problem all the time. She usually chooses a place on the tile, a plastic bag, or a laundry basket. You may want to take her to the vet. They'll probably prescribe an antibiotic & the situation will get better. Good luck & hope kitty feels better :)

    • She must be upset about the move. I'd ask the vet for a suggestion. It you catch her in there then spray her with a water bottle and tell her "No" in a firm manner. It was the only way my cat learned not to scratch on furniture. Can your roommate close her closet door also? Maybe you both need to do that until the cat feels adjusted to the new surroundings.

    • It could be several reasons, some already said. She could also have crystals in her bladder. Do you see anything that looks like blood or a brownish color? That's when it's really bad. It can be yellow too. I'd take her to a reputable vet. She could be in pain and is trying to tell you by this behavior.Find out soon. She could develop it into a habit if let go long enough.

    • it is a just a phrase like when i got my dog it kept pooping evreywhere because we had moved somwhere new for 4 weeks at least he pooped now we live in our new house and my chihihawa does not poop so just wait a couple weekes and he will be used to the new enviroment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Do both cats use the same litter box ? If so, maybe she doesn't want to share anymore. Try giving her one away from the other. If she established her own scent maybe she will go there. Get rid of the basket. She has her scent on it and you can't wash it out.Good Luck !

    • I bought a spray with apple in it from pet shop it's keep dogs from doing things it shouldn't but worked fine on our cats.Of course every time i pick up a spray bottle my cats now run away from me!